Selection assessment

A selection assessment is the most frequently used type of assessment and part of a selection procedure. The selection assessment often takes place towards the end of the procedure, to test the candidates' suitability for the position in question.

The goal of a selection assessment

A selection assessment is an attempt to get a better understanding of how the candidate would perform in the position applied for. The assessment is used based on the idea that suitability does not really show when using questionnaires, letters and interviews. This is because candidates often will say what they think the employer wants to hear, so only practical simulations can clearly demonstrate how a person responds in certain situations.


The components of a selection assessment depend on the position being applied for. For an executive position, the focus will be on testing the candidates' leadership qualities, for other positions the emphasis can be, for example, on communication skills.

Frequently used components of an assessment include the mailbox exercise, fact finding and role-playing. Intelligence tests and interviews are often part of a selection assessment as well.  To prepare for an assessment, you can practice different tests. For example, you can try the free IQ test.

Assessment report

Following the assessment, a report will be drafted describing the conclusions on each candidate. As a candidate, you will always be the first to see this assessment report and you have the right not to agree to the report being sent to the employer. However, if you do not agree to this, your chances of getting the job will be practically nil.

Assessment companies

Selection assessments are often performed by independent companies that conduct assessments on behalf of different companies. In that case, the assessment will take place in the offices of the assessment company. Some companies, especially larger ones, organise their own assessments and in that case the assessment will take place in the company itself.

In the case of internal reorganisations, career assessments are often used. Read more about the career assessment.