Work values test

100% Free

By 123test team. Updated April 19, 2024

Want to know what makes you happy or unhappy in your work and career? While some people are content with uneventful jobs, others thrive on action and excitement. With this free online work value assessment you can determine the work values you value most. Take this free work values test online right now and find out what truly motivates you. This test is often combined with a personality test, career test and work values test to get a full self-assessment as part of career advice trajectory.

This test answers questions such as:

  • Why did you make specific career choices?
  • What would be a good career move for you?
  • What are your talents?
  • Which work value suits you best?
  • Which work values will make you happy and successful?

This work values inventory measures career values similar to those in the theory of career anchors by Dr. Edgar Schein at MIT and the theory of basic human values of Dr. Shalom H. Schwartz. Fourteen career values are identified: Autonomy, Creativity, Variety, Structure, Self-development, Influence, Work-life balance, Financial reward, Security, Prestige, Performance, Working conditions, Work relationships and Altruism.

You get a free and reflective report ranking your values, subsequently you can also get a more extensive report with explanations and work related examples. Know yourself to improve yourself!


Imagine that you are looking for your ideal job. To what extent are the following important or valuable to that job?

This may be:

-- Totally unimportant
- Unimportant
-/+Important and unimportant
+ Important
++ Extremely important

Don't overthink your answers: the more honest your answer, the more reliable the results will be. All of the questions must be answered.