Profession bridge inspector

Bridge inspectors inspect bridge structures for joint break, cracks, rust and other faults. They also carry out or organise the maintenance of the structures.

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Personality Type


  • Construction product regulation

    Regulations on construction products quality standards applied throughout the European Union.

  • Mechanical systems

    Mechanical systems, including gears, engines, hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Their functions and likely defects.

  • Mechanics

    Theoretical and practical applications of the science studying the action of displacements and forces on physical bodies to the development of machinery and mechanical devices.


  • Test concrete

    Test concrete hardness so that it is according to specifications and ready to be removed from moulds.

  • Follow health and safety procedures in construction

    Apply the relevant health and safety procedures in construction in order to prevent accidents, pollution and other risks.

  • Inspect supplied concrete

    Check the quantity and quality of delivered concrete. Make sure that the concrete will withstand any expected pressures.

  • Identify defects in concrete

    Use infrared techniques to discover defects in concrete.

  • Advise on bridge replacement

    Estimate the need for a bridge to be replaced and report to the responsible owner or institution.

  • Recognise signs of corrosion

    Recognise the symptoms of metal showing oxidation reactions with the environment resulting in rusting, copper pitting, stress cracking, and others, and estimate the rate of corrosion.

  • Estimate repair priority

    Estimate the urgency of a certain repair or replacement, based on the severity of the defect, the importance of the damaged or worn element, any other planned repairs and the expected lifespan of the bridge.

  • Use safety equipment in construction

    Use elements of protective clothing such as steel-tipped shoes, and gear such as protective goggles, in order to minimise risk of accidents in construction and to mitigate any injury if an accident does occur.

  • Identify external risks to bridge integrity

    Inspect the area of the bridge to identify any possible external risk to its integrity. Make sure body of waters present no dangerous debris. Identify loose rocks or avalanche risks. Estimate whether usage strain on a bridge is within the limits.

  • Check compatibility of materials

    Make sure the materials are fit to be used together, and if there are any foreseeable interferences.

  • Work ergonomically

    Apply ergonomy principles in the organisation of the workplace while manually handling equipment and materials.

Optional knowledge and skills

types of wood perform underwater bridge inspection set up temporary construction site infrastructure use welding equipment inspect construction sites operate rust proofing spray gun wood cuts inspect road signs remove rust from motor vehicles recognise signs of wood rot identify wood warp apply a protective layer advise land owners of bridge inspection place temporary road signage

Source: Sisyphus ODB