Profession computer scientist

Computer scientists conduct research in computer and information science, directed toward greater knowledge and understanding of fundamental aspects of ICT phenomena. They write research reports and proposals. Computer scientists also invent and design new approaches to computing technology, find innovative uses for existing technology and studies and solve complex problems in computing.

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Personality Type


  • Scientific research methodology

    The theoretical methodology used in scientific research involving doing background research, constructing an hypothesis, testing it, analysing data and concluding the results.


  • Execute analytical mathematical calculations

    Apply mathematical methods and make use of calculation technologies in order to perform analyses and devise solutions to specific problems.

  • Apply reverse engineering

    Use techniques to extract information or disassemble an ICT component, software or system in order to analyse, correct and reassemble or reproduce it.

  • Write research proposals

    Synthetise and write proposals aiming to solve research problems. Draft the proposal baseline and objectives, the estimated budget, risks and impact. Document the advances and new developments on the relevant subject and field of study.

  • Conduct research interview

    Use professional researching and interviewing methods and techniques to gather relevant data, facts or information, to gain new insights and to fully comprehend the message of the interviewee.

  • Conduct scholarly research

    Plan scholarly research by formulating the research question and conducting empirical or literature research in order to investigate the truth of the research question.

  • Conduct quantitative research

    Execute a systematic empirical investigation of observable phenomena via statistical, mathematical or computational techniques.

  • Conduct literature research

    Conduct a comprehensive and systematic research of information and publications on a specific topic. Present a comparative evaluative literature summary.

  • Conduct qualitative research

    Gather relevant information by applying systematic methods, such as interviews, focus groups, text analysis, observations and case studies.

  • Apply statistical analysis techniques

    Use models (descriptive or inferential statistics) and techniques (data mining or machine learning) for statistical analysis and ICT tools to analyse data, uncover correlations and forecast trends.

  • Execute ICT user research activities

    Perform research tasks such as recruitment of participants, scheduling of tasks, collecting of empirical data, data analysis and production of materials in order to assess the interaction of users with an ICT system, program or application.

  • Synthesise research publications

    Read and interpret scientific publications that present a research problem, the methodology, its solution and hypothesis. Compare them and extract the information needed.

Optional knowledge and skills

develop professional network unstructured data xquery documentation types information categorisation information extraction behavioural science create solutions to problems innovation processes process data linq sparql n1ql ldap business intelligence report analysis results perform data mining resource description framework query language data mining query languages innovate in ict mdx emergent technologies

Source: Sisyphus ODB