Profession digital media designer

Digital media designers create and edit graphics, animations, sound, text and video to assist in the creation of integrated multimedia products. They may perform activities related to the web, social networks, augmented reality and virtual reality but exclude the production of music using physical instruments and complex software sound synthesis tools. Digital media designers may program and build websites, mobile applications and other multimedia products.

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  • Style sheet languages

    The field of computer language that conveys the presentation of structured documents such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). These documents have to adhere to style sheets, a set of stylistic rules such as font, color and layout.

  • Graphics editor software

    The field of graphical ICT tools which enable digital editing and composition of graphics, such as GIMP, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, to develop both 2D raster or 2D vector graphics.

  • Web programming

    The programming paradigm that is based on combining markup (which adds context and structure to text) and other web programming code, such as AJAX, javascript and PHP, in order to carry out appropriate actions and visualise the content.

  • Task algorithmisation

    The techniques to convert unstructured descriptions of a process into step-by-step sequence of actions of a finite number of steps.

  • Tools for software configuration management

    The software programs to perform configuration identification, control, status accounting and audit, such as CVS, ClearCase, Subversion, GIT and TortoiseSVN perform this management.

  • Copyright legislation

    Legislation describing the protection of the rights of original authors over their work, and how others can use it.

  • Publishing strategy

    The methods, rules, media and tools of publishing content from content management systems in single sources or cross media.

  • Authoring software

    The software that provides pre-programmed elements which allow the development of interactive multimedia applications in order to edit, structure and lay out content intended for publication.


  • Manage online content

    Ensure the website content is up to date, organised, attractive and meets the target audience needs, the requirements of the company and international standards by checking the links, setting the publishing time framework and order.

  • Integrate content into output media

    Compile and integrate media and text content into online and offline systems, such as websites, platforms, applications and social media, for publishing and distribution.

  • Perform image editing

    Edit various types of images such as analogue and digital photographs or illustrations.

  • Create website wireframe

    Develop an image or set of images that display the functional elements of a website or page, typically used for planning a website's functionality and structure.

  • Provide multimedia content

    Develop multimedia materials such as screen shots, graphics, slide shows, animations and videos to be used as content integrated in a broader informational context.

  • Design graphics

    Apply a variety of visual techniques in order to design graphic material. Combine graphical elements to communicate concepts and ideas.

  • Use markup languages

    Utilise computer languages that are syntactically distinguishable from the text to add annotations to a document, specify layout and process types of documents such as HTML.

  • Convert into animated object

    Convert real objects into visual animation elements, using animation techniques such as optical scanning.

Optional knowledge and skills

typescript 3d printing process define technical requirements lisp sas language haskell less perform video editing microsoft visio groovy use content management system software puppet (tools for software configuration management) build business relationships staf objective-c pascal (computer programming) java (computer programming) perform resource planning take pictures visual presentation techniques sap r3 ml (computer programming) give live presentation swift (computer programming) r assembly (computer programming) audio editing software apply technical communication skills computer programming vbscript cobol ruby (computer programming) c++ coffeescript conduct content quality assurance scratch (computer programming) analyse business requirements perform online data analysis apache maven gimp (graphics editor software) microsoft visual c++ common lisp ansible php sketchbook pro javascript c# prolog (computer programming) css ict software specifications perl abap sass python (computer programming) edit recorded sound apl adobe illustrator jenkins (tools for software configuration management) jsss smalltalk (computer programming) adobe photoshop openedge advanced business language multimedia systems matlab visual studio .net synfig ajax salt (tools for software configuration management) scala study media sources erlang

Source: Sisyphus ODB