Profession dividend analyst

Dividend analysts calculate and allocate dividends and interest incomes of a company's earnings to a category of its shareholders. They assess business systems and processes in order to identify user needs and to deliver appropriate solutions. They also undertake dividend forecasts on amounts and payment schedules and identify potential risks, based on their financial and market price expertise.

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  • Financial forecasting

    The tool used in performing fiscal financial management to identify revenue trends and estimated financial conditions.

  • Business valuation techniques

    The processes to valuate the worth of the assets of the company and the value of the business following techniques such as asset-based approach, business comparison, and past earnings.

  • Financial markets

    The financial infrastructure which permits trading securities offered by companies and individuals govern by regulatory financial frameworks.

  • Stock market

    The market in which shares of publicly held companies are issued and traded.

  • Actuarial science

    The rules of applying mathematical and statistical techniques to determine potential or existing risks in various industries, such as finance or insurance.


  • Maintain financial records

    Keep track of and finalise all formal documents representing the financial transactions of a business or project.

  • Liaise with shareholders

    Communicate and serve as communication point with shareholders in order to provide an overview on their investments, returns, and long-term plans of the company to increase profitability.

  • Analyse financial performance of a company

    Based on accounts, records, financial statements and external information of the market, analyse the performance of the company in financial matters in order to identify improvement actions that could increase profit.

  • Forecast dividend trends

    Forecast the payouts corporations make to their shareholders in the long term, taking into account prior dividends, the corporation's financial health and stability, stock market trends, and shareholders' reactions to those trends.

  • Perform stock valuation

    Analyse, calculate and appraise the value of the stock of a company. Use mathematic and logarithm in order to determine the value in consideration of different variables.

  • Calculate dividends

    Calculate the payments made by corporations as distribution of their profit to the shareholders, ensuring that the shareholders receive the correct amount in the correct format, meaning in monetary payouts via deposits or via the issuing of further shares or share repurchase.

  • Analyse financial risk

    Identify and analyse risks that could impact an organisation or individual financially, such as credit and market risks, and propose solutions to cover against those risks.

  • Maintain register of shareholders

    Keep an accurate register of shareholders and monitoring changes in share ownership of the company.

  • Monitor stock market

    Observe and analyse the stock market and its trends on a daily basis to gather up-to-date information in order to develop investment strategies.

  • Analyse market financial trends

    Monitor and forecast the tendencies of a financial market to move in a particular direction over time.

Optional knowledge and skills

review investment portfolios handle financial transactions provide support in financial calculation trace financial transactions modern portfolio theory synthesise financial information create a financial plan interpret financial statements financial statements manage financial risk analyse business plans make strategic business decisions conduct financial audits obtain financial information

Source: Sisyphus ODB