Profession investment adviser

Investment advisers are professionals who offer transparent advice by recommending suitable solutions on financial matters to their clients. They advise on investing pension or free funds in securities such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds and exchange-traded funds to customers. Investment advisers serve individuals, households, families and owners of small companies.

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  • Modern portfolio theory

    The theory of finance that attempts to either maximise the profit of an investment equivalent to the risk taken or to reduce the risk for the expected profit of an investment by judiciously choosing the right combination of financial products.

  • Securities

    The financial instruments traded in financial markets representing both the right of property over the owner and at the same time, the obligation of payment over the issuer. The aim of securities which is raising capital and hedging risk in financial markets.

  • Banking activities

    The broad and continuously growing banking activities and financial products managed by banks ranging from personal banking, corporate banking, investment banking, private banking, up to insurance, foreign exchange trading, commodity trading, trading in equities, futures and options trading.

  • Financial markets

    The financial infrastructure which permits trading securities offered by companies and individuals govern by regulatory financial frameworks.

  • Stock market

    The market in which shares of publicly held companies are issued and traded.

  • Financial products

    The different types of instruments that apply to the management of cash flow that are available on the market, such as shares, bonds, options or funds.

  • Funding methods

    The financial possibilities for funding projects such as the traditional ones, namely loans, venture capital, public or private grants up to alternative methods such as crowdfunding.


  • Review investment portfolios

    Meet with clients to review or update an investment portfolio and provide financial advice on investments.

  • Explain financial technicalities to clients

    Explain all details of financial products in plain words to clients, including financial terms and all costs.

  • Advise on financial matters

    Consult, advise, and propose solutions with regards to financial management such as acquiring new assets, incurring in investments, and tax efficiency methods.

  • Advise on investment

    Assess the customer's economic goals and advise on the possible financial investments or capital investments to promote wealth creation or safeguarding.

  • Monitor bond market

    Observe and analyse the bond or debt market and its trends on a daily basis to gather up-to-date information in order to develop investment strategies.

  • Analyse financial risk

    Identify and analyse risks that could impact an organisation or individual financially, such as credit and market risks, and propose solutions to cover against those risks.

  • Analyse market financial trends

    Monitor and forecast the tendencies of a financial market to move in a particular direction over time.

  • Assess risks of clients' assets

    Identify, evaluate and determine the actual and potential risks of your clients’ assets, considering confidentiality standards.

  • Synthesise financial information

    Collect, revise and put together financial information coming from different sources or departments in order to create a document with unified financial accounts or plans.

  • Monitor stock market

    Observe and analyse the stock market and its trends on a daily basis to gather up-to-date information in order to develop investment strategies.

  • Assess financial viability

    Revise and analyse financial information and requirements of projects such as their budget appraisal, expected turnover, and risk assessment for determining the benefits and costs of the project. Assess if the agreement or project will redeem its investment, and whether the potential profit is worth the financial risk.

  • Provide financial product information

    Give the customer or client information about financial products, the financial market, insurances, loans or other types of financial data.

  • Obtain financial information

    Gather information on securities, market conditions, governmental regulations and the financial situation, goals and needs of clients or companies.

  • Interpret financial statements

    Read, understand, and interpret the key lines and indicators in financial statements. Extract the most important information from financial statements depending on the needs and integrate this information in the development of the department's plans.

  • Provide support in financial calculation

    Provide colleagues, clients or other parties with financial support for complex files or calculations.

Optional knowledge and skills

types of insurance prospect new customers examine credit ratings manage contracts promote financial products credit control processes apply credit risk policy create a financial plan business valuation techniques perform stock valuation build business relationships analyse business plans consult credit score perform clerical duties analyse financial performance of a company identify customer's needs communicate with banking professionals ensure proper document management principles of insurance develop investment portfolio

Source: Sisyphus ODB