Profession media scientist

Media scholars research the role and impact that media has on the society. They observe and document the usage of different kinds of media such as newspapers, radio and TV and the response from society.

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Personality Type


  • Ethical code of conduct of journalists

    The principles and rules by which journalist must abide when covering news events, such as freedom of speech, the right to be heard, and objectiveness.

  • Copyright legislation

    Legislation describing the protection of the rights of original authors over their work, and how others can use it.

  • Communication studies

    The academic field of study that researches the processes of human interaction and communication through different media and how that communication is interpreted on a political, economic, cultural, social, semiotic, and hermeneutic level.

  • Literature

    The body of artistic writing characterized by beauty of expression, form, and universality of intellectual and emotional appeal.

  • Scientific research methodology

    The theoretical methodology used in scientific research involving doing background research, constructing an hypothesis, testing it, analysing data and concluding the results.

  • Types of media

    The means of mass communication, such as internet, television, journals, and radio, that reach and influence the majority of the public.

  • Media studies

    Academic field dealing with the history, content, and impact of diverse media with a special focus on mass communication.


  • Perform background research on writing subject

    Run thorough background research on writing subject; desk-based research as well as site visits and interviews.

  • Apply scientific methods

    Apply scientific methods and techniques to investigate phenomena, by acquiring new knowledge or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.

  • Consult information sources

    Consult relevant information sources to find inspiration, to educate yourself on certain topics and to acquire background information.

  • Perform scientific research

    Gain, correct or improve knowledge about phenomena by using scientific methods and techniques, based on empirical or measurable observations.

  • Read books

    Read the latest book releases and give your opinion on them.

Optional knowledge and skills

write research proposals apply teaching strategies media law advise on public relations literary techniques film studies project management press law musical genres types of literature genres conduct qualitative research anthropology watch video and motion picture production products perform public relations write scientific papers sociology history of literature editorial standards content marketing strategy conduct quantitative research music literature monitor sociological trends assist scientific research history interview focus groups apply desktop publishing techniques do historical research interview techniques journalism conduct public surveys develop scientific theories

Source: Sisyphus ODB