Profession musical conductor

Musical conductors lead ensembles of musicians directing them during rehersals and helping them atteining their best performance. They can work with a variety of ensembles such as choirs and orchestras. Musical conductors adjust the tempo (speed), rhythm, dynamics (loud or soft) and articulation (smooth or detached) of the music using gestures and sometimes dancing to motivate the musicians to play according to the music sheet.

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Personality Type


  • Link between dance and music style

    The relation of a practiced dance style with music structure and musicians.

  • Musical instruments

    The different musical instruments, their ranges, timbre, and possible combinations.

  • Musical theory

    The body of interrelated concepts that constitutes the theoretical background of music.

  • Music literature

    Literature about music theory, specific music styles, periods, composers or musicians, or specific pieces. This includes a variety of materials such as magazines, journals, books and academic literature.


  • Select musical performers

    Organise auditions and select performers for musical performances.

  • Write musical scores

    Write musical scores for orchestras, ensembles or individual instrumentalists using knowledge of music theory and history. Apply instrumental and vocal capabilities.

  • Position musicians

    Position qualified musicians within musical groups, orchestras or ensembles, to obtain a correct balance among instrumental or vocal sections.

  • Identify characteristics of music

    Identify the elemental, structural, and stylistic characteristics of music from various periods and cultures.

  • Coordinate performance tours

    Schedule planning for a series of event dates, plan timetables, organise venues, accommodations and transportation for longer tours.

  • Plan musical performances

    Schedule rehearsals and music performances, arrange details such as locations, select accompanists and instrumentalists.

  • Select music for performance

    Select pieces of music for a live performance. Consider factors such as ensemble abilities, availability of scores and the need for musical variety.

  • Work with soloists

    Communicate with solo artists and concert masters to discuss and prepare for performances.

  • Strive for excellence in musical performance

    Continually commit to perfecting your instrumental or vocal performance.

  • Participate in music studio recordings

    Take part in recording sessions in music studios.

  • Work with composers

    Communicate with composers to discuss various interpretations of their work.

  • Transpose music

    Transposing music into an alternate key while keeping the original tone structure.

  • Study musical scores

    Study musical scores and develop various interpretations.

  • Collaborate with music librarians

    Communicate and work together with music librarians to ensure permanent availability of scores.

  • Conduct guest soloists

    Guide guest solo musicians in addition to ensemble members.

  • Study music

    Study original pieces of music to get well acquainted with music theory and history.

  • Supervise music groups

    Direct music groups, individual musicians or complete orchestras at rehearsals and during live or studio performances, in order to improve the overall tonal and harmonic balance, dynamics, rhythm, and tempo.

  • Communicate performance aspects

    Use body gestures to shape the music, communicating desired tempo, phrasing, tone, colour, pitch, volume, and other live performance aspects.

  • Engage composers

    Engage services of professional composers to write the score for a music piece.

  • Transcribe musical compositions

    Transcribe musical compositions in order to adapt them to a particular group, or to create a particular musical style.

  • Manage musical staff

    Assign and manage staff tasks in areas such as scoring, arranging, copying music and vocal coaching.

Optional knowledge and skills

evaluate musical ideas select music manage contracts orchestrate music create musical forms monitor performers direct fundraising activities perform music solo compose music art history play musical instruments make artistic processes explicit specialise in a musical genre manage budgets guide analysis of a recorded performance safeguard artistic quality of performance musical genres history of musical instruments

Source: Sisyphus ODB