Profession public funding advisor

Public funding advisors advise individuals and businesses about funding opportunities given by the government. They analyse the needs of clients, consult them on funds, grants and subsidies that apply to them and help with the application process. Public funding advisors also set up public grant administration in organisations.

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Personality Type


  • Funding methods

    The financial possibilities for funding projects such as the traditional ones, namely loans, venture capital, public or private grants up to alternative methods such as crowdfunding.

  • Business analysis

    The research field which addresses the identification of business needs and problems and the determination of the solutions that would mitigate or prevent the smooth functioning of a business. Business analysis comprises IT solutions, market challenges, policy development and strategic matters.

  • Business processes

    Processes which an organisation applies to improve efficiency, set new objectives and reach goals in a profitable and timely manner.


  • Use consulting techniques

    Advise clients in different personal or professional matters.

  • Perform business analysis

    Evaluate the condition of a business on its own and in relation to the competitive business domain, performing research, placing data in context of the business' needs and determining areas of opportunity.

  • Manage government funding

    Monitor the budget received through government funding, and ensure there are enough resources to cover the costs and expenses of the organisation or project.

  • Analyse business objectives

    Study data according to business strategies and objectives and make both short-term and long-term strategic plans.

  • Advise on financial matters

    Consult, advise, and propose solutions with regards to financial management such as acquiring new assets, incurring in investments, and tax efficiency methods.

  • Identify clients' needs

    Identify the areas in which the client may require aid and investigate the possibilities for meeting those needs.

  • Inform on government funding

    Give information to customers related to the grants and financing programmes attributed by the government for small and large scale projects in various fields such as the promotion of renewable energies.

  • Analyse business requirements

    Study clients' needs and expectations for a product or service in order to identify and resolve inconsistencies and possible disagreements of involved stakeholders.

Optional knowledge and skills

financial analysis execute feasibility study observe confidentiality issue official documents analyse internal factors of companies respond to enquiries create a financial plan apply for government funding analyse external factors of companies keep task records prepare government funding dossiers check official documents manage government-funded programmes business management principles budgetary principles

Source: Sisyphus ODB