Profession singer

Singers are professional musicians, skilled in the use of their voice as a musical instrument, with different vocal ranges. They perform for live audiences and for recordings in different musical genres.

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Personality Type


  • Legal environment in music

    Laws and regulations related to music creation, distribution and performance.


  • Organise a repertoire

    Sort and order a collection as a whole in such a way that its parts can be found by following the organising principles.

  • Practise singing

    Study and practise lyrics, melody, and rhythm of songs.

  • Work independently as an artist

    Develop one's own ways of doing artistic performances, motivating oneself with little or no supervision, and depending on oneself to get things done.

  • Interact with an audience

    Convey the artistic values of the art form(s). Respond to the reactions of your audience and involve them.

  • Accept feedback on artistic performance

    Accept feedback, proposed discussions and avenues of exploration about the precision of movements, rhythm, musicality, precision of the performance, interaction with peers and stage elements, areas requiring improvement. Take feedback into account to develop the potential as performer. Note the choreographers/repetiteur/dance master instructions, the instructions of other collaborators (dramaturge, performers/dancers peers, musicians, etc.) assuring being in the same page with direction team.

  • Cope with stage fright

    Deal with conditions that cause stage fright, such as time limits, the audience and stress.

  • Perform live

    Perform in front of live audiences.

  • Engage the audience emotionally

    Create an emotional connection with the audience through your performance. Engage the audience with sadness, humour, anger, any other emotion, or a combination thereof, and let them share your experience.

  • Sing

    Use the voice to produce musical sounds, marked by tone and rhythm.

  • Participate in music studio recordings

    Take part in recording sessions in music studios.

  • Memorise lines

    Memorise your role in a performance or broadcast, whether it is text, movement, or music.

Optional knowledge and skills

read musical score specialise in a musical genre participate in artistic mediation activities musical theory play musical instruments act for an audience design a music show work within communities improvise music supervise music groups select music for performance manage artistic project work with composers collaborate with a technical staff in artistic productions manage artistic career dance record music compose music perform music in ensemble acting techniques perform for young audiences perform music solo transpose music edit recorded sound

Source: Sisyphus ODB