Profession stop-motion animator

Stop-motion animators create animations by using puppets or clay models.

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Personality Type


  • Analyse a script

    Break down a script by analysing the dramaturgy, form, themes and structure of a script. Conduct relevant research if necessary.

  • Develop animations

    Design and develop visual animations using creativity and computer skills. Make objects or characters appear lifelike by manipulating light, colour, texture, shadow, and transparency, or manipulating static images to give the illusion of motion.

  • Study relationships between characters

    Study characters in scripts and their relationships to each other.

  • Select artistic materials to create artworks

    Select artistic materials based on strength, colour, texture, balance, weight, size, and other characteristics that should guarantee the feasibility of the artistic creation regarding the expected shape, color, etc. - even thought the result might vary from it. Artistic materials such as paint, ink, water colours, charcoal, oil, or computer software can be used as much as garbage, living products (fruits, etc) and any kind of material depending on the creative project.

  • Follow work schedule

    Manage the sequence of activities in order to deliver completed work on agreed deadlines by following a work schedule.

  • Follow a brief

    Interpret and meet requirements and expectations, as discussed and agreed upon with the customers.

  • Study media sources

    Study various media sources such as broadcasts, print media, and online media in order to gather inspiration for the development of creative concepts.

  • Set up animation elements

    Test and set up characters, props or environments to ensure they appear correctly from all required camera positions and angles.

  • Adapt to type of media

    Adapt to different types of media such as television, movies, commercials, and others. Adapt work to type of media, scale of production, budget, genres within type of media, and others.

  • Finish project within budget

    Make sure to stay within budget. Adapt work and materials to budget.

Optional knowledge and skills

operate a camera copyright legislation manage different pottery materials manipulate puppets select camera apertures consult with production director design objects to be crafted harmonise body movements manage portfolio types of pottery material motion capture set up cameras operate lighting equipment create clay figures create puppets design puppets

Source: Sisyphus ODB