Profession thanatology researcher

Thanatology researchers study death and the dying in a variety of scientific fields such as psychology, sociology, physiology and anthropology. They contribute to the growth of knowledge on aspects of death such as the psychological phenomena the dying and those around them are experiencing.

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Personality Type


  • Thanatology

    The interdisciplinary study of death and the dying.

  • Scientific research methodology

    The theoretical methodology used in scientific research involving doing background research, constructing an hypothesis, testing it, analysing data and concluding the results.

  • Anthropology

    The study of development and behaviour of human beings.

  • Sociology

    The group behaviour and dynamics, societal trends and influences, human migrations, ethnicity, cultures and their history and origins.

  • Psychology

    The human behaviour and performance with individual differences in ability, personality, interests, learning, and motivation.


  • Write scientific papers

    Present the hypothesis, findings, and conclusions of your scientific research in your field of expertise in a professional publication.

  • Perform scientific research

    Gain, correct or improve knowledge about phenomena by using scientific methods and techniques, based on empirical or measurable observations.

  • Apply scientific methods

    Apply scientific methods and techniques to investigate phenomena, by acquiring new knowledge or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.

  • Develop scientific theories

    Formulate scientific theories based on empirical observations, gathered data and theories of other scientists.

  • Identify purpose of analysis

    Identify the customer's needs and select the appropriate analysis methods that will fit a specific purpose, such as quality assurance, process development or improvement, production, and scientific research.

  • Gather data

    Extract exportable data from multiple sources.

  • Identify research topics

    Determine issues on social, economic or political level in order to explore them and to do research on them.

Optional knowledge and skills

biology publish academic research lead a team ethics research human behaviour do historical research plan research process philosophy forensic anthropology archaeology social sciences conduct health related research conduct psychological assessement human physiology conduct psychological research conduct research interview evaluate forensic data

Source: Sisyphus ODB