Profession user experience analyst

User experience analysts assess client interaction and experience and analyse users' behaviours, attitudes, and emotions about the usage of a particular product, system or service. They make proposals for the improvement of the interface and usability of products, systems or services. In doing so, they take into consideration the practical, experiential, affective, meaningful and valuable aspects of human–computer interaction and product ownership, as well as the person's perceptions of system aspects such as utility, ease of use and efficiency, and user experience dynamics.

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Personality Type


  • Cognitive psychology

    The human mental processes such as attention, memory, language use, perception, problem solving, creativity and thinking.

  • Application usability

    The process through which the learnability, efficiency, usefulness and ease of use of a software application can be defined and measured.

  • Behavioural science

    The investigation and analysis of subject behaviour through regulated and lifelike observations and disciplined scientific experiments.

  • Human-computer interaction

    The study of the behaviour and interaction between digital devices and human beings.

  • Software interaction design

    The methodologies for designing interaction between users and a software product or service to satisfy the needs and preferences of most of the people who will interface with the product and to simplify the communication between product and user such as Goal-oriented design.


  • Assess users' interaction with ICT applications

    Evaluate how users interact with ICT applications in order to analyse their behaviour, draw conclusions (for instance about their motives, expectations and goals) and improve applications' functionalities.

  • Report analysis results

    Produce research documents or give presentations to report the results of a conducted research and analysis project, indicating the analysis procedures and methods which led to the results, as well as potential interpretations of the results.

  • Create prototype of user experience solutions

    Design and prepare mock-ups, prototypes and flows in order to test User Experience (UX) solutions or to collect feedback from users, customers, partners or stakeholders.

  • Use experience map

    Examine all the interactions and touchpoints people have with a product, brand or service. Determine key variables such as duration and frequency of every touchpoint.

  • Execute ICT user research activities

    Perform research tasks such as recruitment of participants, scheduling of tasks, collecting of empirical data, data analysis and production of materials in order to assess the interaction of users with an ICT system, program or application.

  • Measure software usability

    Check the convenience of the software product for the end user. Identify user problems and make adjustments to improve usability practice. Collect input data on how users evaluate software products.

  • Conduct research interview

    Use professional researching and interviewing methods and techniques to gather relevant data, facts or information, to gain new insights and to fully comprehend the message of the interviewee.

  • Measure customer feedback

    Evaluate customer's comments in order to find out whether customers feel satisfied or dissatisfied with the product or service.

  • Analyse business requirements

    Study clients' needs and expectations for a product or service in order to identify and resolve inconsistencies and possible disagreements of involved stakeholders.

  • Provide technical documentation

    Prepare documentation for existing and upcoming products or services, describing their functionality and composition in such a way that it is understandable for a wide audience without technical background and compliant with defined requirements and standards. Keep documentation up to date.

  • Conduct qualitative research

    Gather relevant information by applying systematic methods, such as interviews, focus groups, text analysis, observations and case studies.

  • Conduct quantitative research

    Execute a systematic empirical investigation of observable phenomena via statistical, mathematical or computational techniques.

Optional knowledge and skills

resource description framework query language sparql query languages lean project management use access control software test system accessibility for users with special needs world wide web consortium standards ldap identify ict user needs agile project management web analytics ict system user requirements online moderation techniques software metrics define technical requirements n1ql xquery visual presentation techniques linq manage localisation process-based management ict project management methodologies forecast future ict network needs create website wireframe mdx perform market research

Source: Sisyphus ODB