Profession visual arts teacher

Arts teachers teach students in the practice, theory and performance of dance, drama, visual and other arts (excluding music) outside the mainstream primary, secondary and higher education systems, but may provide private or small group tuition as an extra curricular activity in association with mainstream educational institutions

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Personality Type

Related professions training and teaching, all other

  • Drama teacher
  • Driving examiner
  • Driving instructor
  • IT trainer
  • Language teacher, all other
  • Music teacher
  • National/second language teacher
  • Remedial teacher
  • School inspector
  • Special needs teacher secondary school
  • Special needs teaching professional, all other
  • Sports teacher
  • Training or teaching professional, all other
  • Yoga teacher or similar


  • Adapt teaching to student's capabilities

    Identify the learning struggles and successes of students. Select teaching and learning strategies that support students’ individual learning needs and goals.

  • Perform classroom management

    Maintain discipline and engage students during instruction.

  • Stimulate creativity in the team

    Use techniques like brainstorming to stimulate creativity in the team.

  • Assist students in their learning

    Support and coach students in their work, give learners practical support and encouragement.

  • Select subject matter

    Select subject matter based on personal or public interest, or ordered by a publisher or agent.

  • Give constructive feedback

    Provide founded feedback through both criticism and praise in a respectful, clear, and consistent manner. Highlight achievements as well as mistakes and set up methods of formative assessment to evaluate work.

  • Select illustration styles

    Select the appropriate style, medium, and techniques of illustration in line with the needs of the project and client's requests.

  • Apply teaching strategies

    Employ various approaches, learning styles, and channels to instruct students, such as communicating content in terms they can understand, organising talking points for clarity, and repeating arguments when necessary. Use a wide range of teaching devices and methodologies appropriate to the class content, the learners' level, goals, and priorities.

  • Observe student's progress

    Follow up on students’ learning progress and assess their achievements and needs.

  • Develop a coaching style

    Develop a style for coaching individuals or groups that ensures all participants are at ease, and are able to acquire the necessary skills and competences provided in the coaching in a positive and productive manner.

  • Supervise craft production

    Fabricate/prepare patterns or templates to guide the crafting production process.

  • Create artwork

    Cut, shape, fit, join, mould, or otherwise manipulate materials in an attempt to create a selected artwork - be the technical processes not mastered by the artist or used as a specialist.

  • Encourage students to acknowledge their achievements

    Stimulate students to appreciate their own achievements and actions to nurture confidence and educational growth.

  • Create craft prototypes

    Fabricate and prepare prototypes or models of objects to be crafted.

  • Demonstrate when teaching

    Present to others examples of your experience, skills, and competences that are appropriate to specific learning content to help students in their learning.

  • Manage student relationships

    Manage the relations between students and between student and teacher. Act as a just authority and create an environment of trust and stability.

  • Prepare lesson content

    Prepare content to be taught in class in accordance with curriculum objectives by drafting exercises, researching up-to-date examples etc.

  • Contextualise artistic work

    Identify influences and situate your work within a specific trend which may be of an artistic, aesthetic, or philosophical natures. Analyse the evolution of artistic trends, consult experts in the field, attend events, etc.

  • Guarantee students' safety

    Ensure all students falling under an instructor or other person’s supervision are safe and accounted for. Follow safety precautions in the learning situation.

  • Assist students with equipment

    Provide assistance to students when working with (technical) equipment used in practice-based lessons and solve operational problems when necessary.

  • Select artistic materials to create artworks

    Select artistic materials based on strength, colour, texture, balance, weight, size, and other characteristics that should guarantee the feasibility of the artistic creation regarding the expected shape, color, etc. - even thought the result might vary from it. Artistic materials such as paint, ink, water colours, charcoal, oil, or computer software can be used as much as garbage, living products (fruits, etc) and any kind of material depending on the creative project.

  • Consult students on learning content

    Take students' opinions and preferences into consideration when determining learning content.

  • Teach arts principles

    Instruct students in the theory and practice of arts and crafts and the fine arts, whether recreationally, as part of their general education, or with the aim of assisting them in pursuing a future career in this field. Offer instruction in courses such as drawing, painting, sculpting and ceramics.

Optional knowledge and skills

assessment processes graphic design keep personal administration gather reference materials for artwork develop curriculum manage resources for educational purposes facilitate teamwork between students provide lesson materials perform image editing types of pottery material monitor art scene developments present exhibition use painting techniques operate a ceramics kiln develop educational activities copyright legislation curriculum objectives create sculptures use artistic materials for drawing participate in artistic mediation activities assess students paint sets use digital illustration techniques manage different ceramic firing techniques types of paint assess conservation needs create sketches art history manage budgets

Source: Sisyphus ODB