
As time goes by, you develop certain capacities or internalise them. These fall within the knowledge category, i.e. what you know. Consider in this regard such things as work experience, command of languages or your highest level of education.

Knowledge on your CV

Knowledge is often the first thing looked at when deciding on someone’s suitability for a job. Employers filter out candidates on the basis of education and work experience before moving on to consider other aspects like personality or skills. In other words, the work experience and successfully completed qualifications on your CV show your demonstrable knowledge.

Acquiring knowledge

In principle, knowledge can be acquired, even if this is harder for some and easier for others. This partly depends on your personality (determination, level of ambition) and innate capacities (e.g. a talent like spatial awareness or musicality).

Knowledge test

Successfully completing a course of study or training can be regarded as a test you’ve passed and that shows you have particular knowledge. Nowadays there are also options allowing you to convert work experience into a kind of diploma, by taking an RPL test. RPL stands for recognition of prior learning. The comprehensive competency test from 123test will enable you to see how high you score compared to others on 16 work-related competencies.

What are competencies? What you are good at? Where is there room for improvement? Compare your scores to those of the workforce in the rest of the world. Click here

Read more on skills.