Profession advertising copywriter

Advertising copywriters are responsible for the written or verbal design of advertisements and commercials. They write slogans, catchphrases, etc. Advertising copywriters work closely together with advertising artists.

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Personality Type


  • Product comprehension

    The offered products, their functionalities, properties and legal and regulatory requirements.

  • Copyright legislation

    Legislation describing the protection of the rights of original authors over their work, and how others can use it.

  • Advertising techniques

    The communication strategies intended to persuade or encourage an audience, and the different media which are used to achieve this goal.


  • Write to a deadline

    Schedule and respect tight deadlines, especially for theatre, screen and radio projects.

  • Meet expectations of target audience

    Research the needs and expectations of the target audience to ensure the program's theme meets both.

  • Develop creative ideas

    Developing new artistic concepts and creative ideas.

  • Apply grammar and spelling rules

    Apply the rules of spelling and grammar and ensure consistency throughout texts.

  • Create advertisements

    Use your creativity to draft advertiments. Keep in mind the costumer's requirements, target audience, media and marketing objectives.

  • Identify customer's needs

    Use appropriate questions and active listening in order to identify customer expectations, desires and requirements according to product and services.

  • Follow a brief

    Interpret and meet requirements and expectations, as discussed and agreed upon with the customers.

  • Brainstorm ideas

    Pitch your ideas and concepts to fellow members of the creative team in order to come up with alternatives, solutions and better versions.

Optional knowledge and skills

analyse cultural trends manage budgets conduct search engine optimisation give live presentation apply desktop publishing techniques create storyboards analyse consumer buying trends social media marketing techniques proofread text evaluate writings in response to feedback coordinate advertising campaigns typography draft press releases desktop publishing perform media outlets research practice humour lay out digital written content types of media printing techniques evaluate advertising campaign perform market research develop media strategy

Source: Sisyphus ODB