Profession army general

Army generals command large divisions of the army. They perform management duties, administrative duties, and planning and strategic duties. They develop policies for the improvement of the military and general defence, and ensure the nation's safety.

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  • Military logistics

    The operations of the supply and demand of goods and recources on military bases and during military operations on the field, the disruption of enemy supplies, cost analysis, equipment demands, and other military logistics activities.


  • Maintain operational communications

    Maintain communications between different departments of an organisation, between the staff, or during specific operations or missions, to ensure that the operation or mission is successful, or that the organisation functions smoothly.

  • Defend human rights

    Protect human rights towards and between colleagues and also towards the civil populations one is in contact with.

  • Develop defence policies

    Develop strategies for the development and implementation of defence policies, for national or international defence organisations and operations, to improve security and to better operate in dangerous situations and against threats.

  • Ensure public safety and security

    Implement the relevant procedures, strategies and use the proper equipment to promote local or national security activities for the protection of data, people, institutions, and property.

  • Manage staff

    Manage employees and subordinates, working in a team or individually, to maximise their performance and contribution. Schedule their work and activities, give instructions, motivate and direct the workers to meet the company objectives. Monitor and measure how an employee undertakes their responsibilities and how well these activities are executed. Identify areas for improvement and make suggestions to achieve this. Lead a group of people to help them achieve goals and maintain an effective working relationship among staff.

  • Manage military logistics

    Manage the supply and demand of resources on a military base or during a mission on field to troops in need, analyse equipment needs, interfere with enemy supplies, perform cost analysis, and other logistics activities specific to military operations.

  • Manage administrative systems

    Ensure administrative systems, processes and databases are efficient and well managed and give the sound basis to work together with the administrative officer/staff/professional.

  • Analyse potential threats against national security

    Analyse the possibilities of potential threats and actions taken against national security in order to develop preventive measures and aid with the development of military tactics and operations.

  • Manage budgets

    Plan, monitor and report on the budget.

  • Delegate activities

    Delegate activities and tasks to others according to the ability, level of preparation, competence and legal scope of practice. Make sure that people understand what they should do and when they should do it.

  • Set organisational policies

    Participate in setting organisational policies that cover issues such as participant eligibility, program requirements, and program benefits for the service users.

Optional knowledge and skills

military code undertake inspections monitor military equipment use manage security clearance military weaponry conduct public presentations military combat techniques identify security threats ensure information security manage troop deployment devise military tactics military drill apply health and safety standards

Source: Sisyphus ODB