Profession audio describer

Audio describers depict orally what happens on the screen or on stage for the blind and visually impaired so that they can enjoy audio-visual shows, live performances or sports events. They produce audio description scripts for programmes and events and use their voice to record them.

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Personality Type


  • Audiovisual equipment

    The characteristics and usage of different tools that stimulate the sight and audio senses.

  • Attention to detail

    Performs tasks conscientiously and effectively, taking into account all their aspects, no matter how detailed they are.

  • Pronunciation techniques

    The pronunciation techniques to properly and understandably pronounce words.

  • Types of media

    The means of mass communication, such as internet, television, journals, and radio, that reach and influence the majority of the public.

  • Communication related to hearing impairment

    The phonologic, morphologic and syntactic aspects and characteristics of human communication for individuals affected by hearing impairment.

  • Audiovisual products

    The different types of audiovisual products and their requirements, such as documentaries, low budget movies, television series, records, CDs, and others.


  • Write voice-overs

    Write voice-over commentary.

  • Listen actively

    Give attention to what other people say, patiently understand points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times; able to listen carefully the needs of customers, clients, passengers, service users or others, and provide solutions accordingly.

  • Study media sources

    Study various media sources such as broadcasts, print media, and online media in order to gather inspiration for the development of creative concepts.

  • Present during live broadcasts

    Present live on political, economic, cultural, social, international or sport events, or host a live broadcast program.

  • Write in conversational tone

    Write in such a way that when the text is read it seems as if the words come spontaneously and not at all scripted. Explain concepts and ideas in a clear and simple manner.

  • Synchronise with mouth movements

    Synchronise sound recording with the mouth movements of the original actor.

  • Apply grammar and spelling rules

    Apply the rules of spelling and grammar and ensure consistency throughout texts.

  • Support people with hearing impairment

    Accompany the hearing-impaired to facilitate communication in various situations, such as training, work or administrative procedures. If necessary, gather information before appointments.

  • Write work-related reports

    Compose work-related reports that support effective relationship management and a high standard of documentation and record keeping. Write and present results and conclusions in a clear and intelligible way so they are comprehensible to a non-expert audience.

  • Study roles from scripts

    Study and rehearse roles from scripts; interpret, learn and memorise lines, stunts, and cues as directed.

  • Cooperate with colleagues

    Cooperate with colleagues in order to ensure that operations run effectively.

  • Integrate content into output media

    Compile and integrate media and text content into online and offline systems, such as websites, platforms, applications and social media, for publishing and distribution.

  • Report live online

    Given an account of a situation in real-time via online technologies when covering important events, especially on national newspapers.

Optional knowledge and skills

plan audiovisual recording manage a good diction multimedia systems vocal techniques attend read-through coordinate activities in audio recording studio perform improvisation use a computer record audio materials use audio reproduction software use microphone work with a voice coach adapt voice register to the audio material breathing techniques operate audio equipment add elocution techniques to recording audio materials use office systems

Source: Sisyphus ODB