Profession bomb disposal technician

Bomb disposal technicians search areas using special equipment such as metal detectors, or using trained animals, for the presence of land mines and bombs, and remove the explosive materials according to safety regulations. After the search for and location of mines and bombs, they disarm them aiming to avoid any risk of detonation, and ensure the area is cleared before disarming and removal procedures.

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  • Demining operations

    The regulations and procedures involved in the search for identification of land mines, and the procedures of removing and disarming the land mines.

  • Explosives

    Behaviour of explosives, pyrotechnics and blasting techniques. Associated risks and legal requirements.

  • Surveillance methods

    Surveillance methods used in the gathering of information and intelligence for investigation purposes.

  • Pyrotechnic articles legislation

    The legal rules surrounding pyrotechnics and pyrotechnic materials.


  • Maintain operational communications

    Maintain communications between different departments of an organisation, between the staff, or during specific operations or missions, to ensure that the operation or mission is successful, or that the organisation functions smoothly.

  • Manage emergency evacuation plans

    Monitor quick and safe emergency evacuation plans.

  • Use personal protection equipment

    Make use of protection equipment according to training, instruction and manuals. Inspect the equipment and use it consistently.

  • Handle surveillance equipment

    Monitor surveillance equipment to observe what people are doing in a given area and ensure their safety.

  • Assess danger in risk areas

    Assess the potential dangers involved in performinig military or humanitarian missions in risk areas, such as combat areas, areas affected by natural disasters, or politically tense areas.

  • Perform demarcation

    Perform the activities involved in the creation and fixing of boundaries around a restricted area.

  • Identify land mines

    Identify the presence and state of land mines to ensure an area is cleared, to assess the danger of detonation, and to perform demining activities.

  • Disarm land mine

    Disarm explosives and ammunition contained within land mines according to regulations to prevent and permanently avoid detonation and to ensure safety.

  • Operate metal detection equipment

    Operate the equipment used in the detection of metal products and elements to identify presence in an area and search for potentially dangerous items.

Optional knowledge and skills

ensure compliance with types of weapons provide humanitarian aid operate radio equipment advise superiors on military operations liaise with security authorities follow given instructions give instructions to staff use different communication channels read maps perform risk analysis military code military weaponry perform military operations train animals for professional purposes ensure public safety and security comply with legal regulations

Source: Sisyphus ODB