Profession city councillor

City and county councillors determine, formulate, and direct policies of state, regional or local governments and international governmental agencies, and make, ratify, amend or repeal laws, public rules and regulations. They include elected and non-elected members of parliaments, councils and governments.

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Personality Type

Related professions civil service local

  • Building permit licensing officer
  • Business permit licensing officer
  • Caseworker for beneficiaries of an eligibility program
  • Interviewer eligibility programs government
  • Mayor, alderman
  • Municipal clerk
  • Passport issuing officer
  • Policy officer
  • Programme officer
  • Project officer
  • Public administration manager


  • Government policy implementation

    The procedures related to the application of government policies at all levels of public administration.


  • Build community relations

    Establish affectionate and long-lasting relationships with local communities, e.g. by organising special programms for kindergarden, schools and for dissabled and older people, raising awareness and receiving community appreciation in return.

  • Write meeting reports

    Write complete reports based on minutes taken during a meeting in order to communicate the important points which were discussed, and the decisions which were made, to the appropriate people.

  • Maintain relations with local representatives

    Maintain good relations with representatives of the local scientific, economic and civil society.

  • Maintain relationships with government agencies

    Establish and maintain cordial working relationships with peers in different governmental agencies.

  • Observe confidentiality

    Observe the set of rules establishing the nondisclosure of information except to another authorised person.

  • Analyse legislation

    Analyse the existing legislation from a national or local government in order to assess which improvements could be made and which items of legislation could be proposed.

  • Advise on legislative acts

    Advise officials in a legislature on the propositioning of new bills and the consideration of items of legislation.

  • Perform political negotiation

    Perform debate and argumentative dialogue in a political context, using negotiation techniques specific to political contexts in order to obtain the desired goal, ensure compromise, and maintain cooperative relations.

Optional knowledge and skills

inspect government incomes delegate activities inspect government expenditures manage staff manage administrative systems manage budgets promote political campaign public finance budgetary principles perform project management election law think analytically political parties manage government policy implementation bookkeeping regulations analyse community needs public law project management principles

Source: Sisyphus ODB