Profession colonel

Colonels serve in the staff of a military commander, and function as primary advisers in operational and strategic decision-making to senior officers.

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  • Geographic information systems

    The tools involved in geographical mapping and positioning, such as GPS (global positioning systems), GIS (geographical information systems), and RS (remote sensing).

  • Military weaponry

    The types of arms used by different military organisations, such as army, navy or air force and in different nations worldwide; the weapons' aspects, damage potential and ways to defend against them.

  • Military code

    The code language used in specific intelligence or military organisations and operations, how to use and decipher them.


  • Ensure information security

    Ensure that the information gathered during surveillance or investigations remains in the hands of those authorised to receive and use it, and does not fall into enemy or otherwise non-authorised individuals' hands.

  • Devise military tactics

    Devise the strategic and tactical components of a military operation, taking into account the available equipment and assigning tasks to the different troops, and supervising the use of weapons and other battle equipment.

  • Ensure compliance with policies

    Ensure compliance with legislation and company procedures in respect of health and safety in the workplace and public areas. Ensure awareness and compliance with all company policies in relation to health and safety and equal opportunities in the workplace.

  • Defend human rights

    Protect human rights towards and between colleagues and also towards the civil populations one is in contact with.

  • Maintain operational communications

    Maintain communications between different departments of an organisation, between the staff, or during specific operations or missions, to ensure that the operation or mission is successful, or that the organisation functions smoothly.

  • Advise superiors on military operations

    Advise on the strategic decisions made by superiors on deployment, mission tactics, resource allocation or other military operation specifics, to help superiors reach a better decision and to provide them with any relevant information for a military operation or functioning of the military organisations in general.

  • Use geographic information systems

    Work with computer data systems such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Optional knowledge and skills

think analytically manage troop deployment identify security threats perform resource planning write situation reports military combat techniques analyse potential threats against national security military drill camouflage ensure compliance with types of weapons ensure equipment availability manage staff manage security clearance investigation research methods manage administrative systems monitor military equipment use lead military troops train military troops identify terrorism threats

Source: Sisyphus ODB