Profession commercial art gallery manager

Commercial art gallery managers manage the commercial and artistic success of the gallery.

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  • Copyright legislation

    Legislation describing the protection of the rights of original authors over their work, and how others can use it.

  • Collection management software

    Be familiar with specialised collection management software used to document and keep record of the museum collection.


  • Train employees

    Lead and guide employees through a process in which they are taught the necessary skills for the perspective job. Organise activities aimed at introducing the work and systems or improving the performance of individuals and groups in organisational settings.

  • Determine visual concepts

    Determine how best to represent a concept visually.

  • Manage artworks' transportation

    Arrange transportation of art pieces between different galleries, on a national as well as an international level.

  • Negotiate with artists

    Communicate and negotiate with artist and artist management about prices, terms and schedules.

  • Monitor after sales records

    Keep an eye on the after sales feedback and monitor customer satisfaction or complaints; record after sales calls for thorough data analysis.

  • Collaborate with technical experts on artworks

    Collaborate with engineers, mechanics, and other technical experts to build, install and move pieces of art.

  • Curate artwork for exhibitions

    Make decisions about the type of work gallery exhibitions will show. Identify artwork that is likely to interest the audience.

  • Prepare exhibition marketing plan

    Develop marketing plan for upcoming exhibition; design and distribute posters, flyers and catalogues; communicate ideas with photographers, graphic designers and printers; prepare articles for online and printed media; keep website and social media up-to-date.

  • Advertise the gallery

    Actively promote and advertise the art gallery. Choose and monitor advertising channels.

  • Manage relationships with artists

    Develop relationships with artists new to the gallery, and extend existing relationships with established artists.

  • Identify new business opportunities

    Pursue potential customers or products in order to generate additional sales and ensure growth.

  • Manage artworks' installation in the gallery

    Organise tools and equipment; ensure correct and safe installation of the art piece.

  • Implement marketing strategies

    Implement strategies which aim to promote a specific product or service, using the developed marketing strategies.

  • Produce statistical financial records

    Review and analyse individual and company financial data in order to produce statistical reports or records.

  • Keep records on sales

    Keep records of the activities of the sales of products and services, tracking which products and services were sold when and maintaining customer records, in order to facilitate improvements in the sales department.

  • Supervise art gallery staff

    Supervise the activities and performance of art gallery employees

  • Implement sales strategies

    Carry out the plan to gain competitive advantage on the market by positioning the company's brand or product and by targeting the right audience to sell this brand or product to.

  • Sell art

    Secure and sell pieces of art in different markets. Negotiate prices, liaise with art dealers, and prevent from acquiring counterfeit art pieces.

  • Prospect new customers

    Initiate activities in order to attract new and interesting customers. Ask for recommendations and references, find places where potential customers can be located.

  • Develop artistic project budgets

    Developing artistic project budgets for approval, estimating deadlines and material costs.

  • Monitor artwork market

    Estimate value and price of artwork; permanently monitor art market in order to notice trends or sudden price changes; identify which kind of artwork is selling well during a certain period of time.

  • Carry out recruiting services

    Attract, screen, select and haul on board persons fit for a job.

Optional knowledge and skills

cultural projects apply business acumen teamwork principles maintain working relationships maintain customer records obtain sponsorship have computer literacy employment law art history conservation techniques build community relations

Source: Sisyphus ODB