Profession community health worker

Community health workers provide advice and information about various health subjects to the community. They can assist with pre- and post-natal care, give nutritional advice and help individuals stop smoking. Community health workers develop health and prevention programmes.

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Personality Type


  • Legal requirements in the social sector

    The prescribed legislative and regulatory requirements in the social sector.

  • Community education

    Programs targeting the social development and learning of individuals in their own community, through a variety of formal or informal education methods.


  • Apply quality standards in social services

    Apply quality stardards in social services while upholding social work values and principles.

  • Communicate with social service users

    Use verbal, non-verbal, written, and electronic communication. Pay attention to the specific social service users' needs, characteristics, abilities, preferences, age, developmental stage, and culture.

  • Relate empathetically

    Recognise, understand and share emotions and insights experienced by another.

  • Provide social counselling

    Assist and guide social service users to resolve personal, social or psychological problems and difficulties.

  • Review social service plan

    Review social service plans, taking service users' views and preferences into account. Follow up on the plan, assessing the quantity and quality of services provided.

  • Deliver social services in diverse cultural communities

    Deliver services which are mindful of different cultural and language traditions, showing respect and validation for communities and being consistent with policies regarding human rights and equality and diversity.

  • Apply decision making within social work

    Take decisions when called for, staying within the limits of granted authority and considering the input from the service user and other caregivers.

  • Build helping relationship with social service users

    Develop a collaborative helping relationship, addressing any ruptures or strains in the relationship, fostering bonding and gaining service users` trust and cooperation through empathic listening, caring, warmth and authenticity.

  • Build community relations

    Establish affectionate and long-lasting relationships with local communities, e.g. by organising special programms for kindergarden, schools and for dissabled and older people, raising awareness and receiving community appreciation in return.

  • Assess social service users' situation

    Assess the social situation of service users situation balancing curiosity and respect in the dialogue, considering their families, organisations and communities and the associated risks and identifying the needs and resources, in order to meet physical, emotional and social needs.

  • Apply knowledge of human behaviour

    Practice principles related to group behaviour, trends in society, and influence of societal dynamics.

  • Maintain records of work with service users

    Maintain accurate, concise, up-to-date and timely records of the work with service users while complying with legislation and policies related to privacy and security.

Optional knowledge and skills

perform health assessment assess clients' drug and alcohol addictions identify the health benefits of nutritional changes manage social crisis assist disabled individuals to participate in community activities advise on mental health advocate for social service users inform on the risks of substance and alcohol abuse advise on pregnancy contribute to public health campaigns support individuals on nutrition changes promote social change manage health promotion activities empower social service users assist families in crisis situations promote health and safety policies in health services address public health issues contribute to continuity of health care deliver group sessions on nutrition

Source: Sisyphus ODB