Profession educational researcher

Educational researches perform research in the area of education. They strive to broaden the knowledge on how education processes, educational systems, and individuals (teachers and learners) work. They foresee areas of improvements and develop plans for the implementation of innovations. They advise legislators and policy makers on educational issues and assist in the planning of educational policies.

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Personality Type


  • Curriculum standards

    The governmental policies concerning educational curricula and the approved curricula from specific educational institutions.

  • Scientific research methodology

    The theoretical methodology used in scientific research involving doing background research, constructing an hypothesis, testing it, analysing data and concluding the results.

  • Pedagogy

    The discipline that concerns the theory and practice of education including the various instructional methods for educating individuals or groups.

  • Curriculum objectives

    The goals identified in curricula and defined learning outcomes.


  • Analyse education system

    Analyse various aspects of the school and education system, such as the relation between the cultural origin of the students and their educational opportunities, the apprenticeship programmes or the objectives of adult education, in order to make recommendations to education professionals and decision makers.

  • Apply scientific methods

    Apply scientific methods and techniques to investigate phenomena, by acquiring new knowledge or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.

  • Write work-related reports

    Compose work-related reports that support effective relationship management and a high standard of documentation and record keeping. Write and present results and conclusions in a clear and intelligible way so they are comprehensible to a non-expert audience.

  • Cooperate with education professionals

    Communicate with teachers or other professionals working in education in order to identify needs and areas of improvement in education systems, and to establish a collaborative relationship.

  • Identify education needs

    Identify the needs of students, organisations and companies in terms of provision of education in order to aid in the development of curricula and education policies.

  • Present reports

    Display results, statistics and conclusions to an audience in a transparent and straightforward way.

  • Consult information sources

    Consult relevant information sources to find inspiration, to educate yourself on certain topics and to acquire background information.

  • Conduct qualitative research

    Gather relevant information by applying systematic methods, such as interviews, focus groups, text analysis, observations and case studies.

  • Develop a pedagogical concept

    Develop a specific concept that describes the educational principles on which the organisation is based, and the values and behaviour patterns it advocates.

  • Perform scientific research

    Gain, correct or improve knowledge about phenomena by using scientific methods and techniques, based on empirical or measurable observations.

  • Evaluate education programmes

    Evaluate ongoing training programmes and advise on potential optimisation.

  • Advise on curriculum development

    Advise education professionals and officials on the development of new curricula or changes in existing curricula.

  • Monitor educational developments

    Monitor the changes in educational policies, methodologies and research by reviewing relevant literature and liaising with education officials and institutions.

Optional knowledge and skills

inspect education institutions psychology assessment processes advise on teaching methods coordinate educational programmes analyse curriculum write scientific papers sociology promote education programmes observe teaching activities project management advise legislators advise on lesson plans learning technologies write research proposals plan learning curriculum apply knowledge of human behaviour special needs education advise on legislative acts develop curriculum

Source: Sisyphus ODB