Profession environmental protection manager

Environmental protection managers provide advice on the development of environmental policies to governmental and official institutions. They analyse possible threats for the well being of the people and the environment in a region and manage campaigns aimed at tackling problems such as waste collection, landfills, and preservation of green areas.

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Personality Type


  • Business analysis

    The research field which addresses the identification of business needs and problems and the determination of the solutions that would mitigate or prevent the smooth functioning of a business. Business analysis comprises IT solutions, market challenges, policy development and strategic matters.

  • Organisational policies

    The policies to achieve set of goals and targets regarding the development and maintenance of an organisation.

  • Strategic planning

    The elements defining the foundation and core of an organisation such as its mission, vision, values, and objectives.

  • Environmental policy

    Local, national and international policies dealing with the promotion of environmental sustainability and the development of projects which reduce negative environmental impact and improve the state of the environment.

  • Environmental legislation

    The environmental policies and legislation applicable in a certain domain.

  • Environmental threats

    The threats for the environment which are related to biological, chemical, nuclear, radiological, and physical hazards.

  • Corporate social responsibility

    The handling or managing of business processes in a responsible and ethical manner considering the economic responsibility towards shareholders as equally important as the responsibility towards environmental and social stakeholders.


  • Implement strategic planning

    Take action on the goals and procedures defined at a strategic level in order to mobilise resources and pursue the established strategies.

  • Promote environmental awareness

    Calculate the carbon footprint of business processes and other practices in order to promote sustainability and to raise awareness for the environmental impact.

  • Advise on environmental remediation

    Advise on the development and implementation of actions which aim to remove sources of pollution and contamination from the environment.

  • Monitor company policy

    Monitor the company's policy and propose improvements to the company.

  • Liaise with government officials

    Consult and cooperate with government officials who handle matter that is relevant to you or your business.

  • Liaise with managers

    Liaise with managers of other departments ensuring effective service and communication, i.e. sales, planning, purchasing, trading, distribution and technical.

  • Implement environmental action plans

    Apply plans that address the management of environmental matters in projects, natural site interventions, companies, and others.

  • Integrate strategic foundation in daily performance

    Reflect on the strategic foundation of companies, meaning their mission, vision, and values in order to integrate this foundation in the performance of the job position.

  • Report on environmental issues

    Compile environmental reports and communicate on issues. Inform the public or any interested parties in a given context on relevant recent developments in the environment, forecasts on the future of the environment, and any problems and possible solutions.

  • Liaise with politicians

    Liaise with officials fulfilling important political and legislative roles in governments in order to ensure productive communication and build relations.

  • Develop company strategies

    Envision, plan, and develop strategies for companies and organisations aimed at achieving different purposes such as establishing new markets, refurbishing the equipment and machinery of a company, implementing pricing strategies, etc.

  • Advise on efficiency improvements

    Analyse information and details of processes and products in order to advise on possible efficiency improvements that could be implemented and would signify a better use of resources.

  • Ensure compliance with policies

    Ensure compliance with legislation and company procedures in respect of health and safety in the workplace and public areas. Ensure awareness and compliance with all company policies in relation to health and safety and equal opportunities in the workplace.

  • Ensure compliance with environmental legislation

    Monitor activities and perform tasks ensuring compliance with standards involving environmental protection and sustainability, and amend activities in the case of changes in environmental legislation. Ensure that the processes are compliant with environment regulations and best practices.

  • Coordinate environmental efforts

    Organise and integrate all environmental efforts of the company, including pollution control, recycling, waste management, environmental health, conservation and renewable energy.

  • Develop environmental remediation strategies

    Develop strategies for the removal of pollution and contaminants from soil, groundwater, surface water, or sediment, taking into account environmental remediation regulations and available technologies.

  • Develop environmental policy

    Develop an organisational policy on sustainable development and compliance with environmental legislation in line with policy mechanisms used in the field of environmental protection.

Optional knowledge and skills

coordinate waste management procedures characteristics of waste assess groundwater environmental impact waste and scrap products health and safety regulations pollution prevention waste management pollution legislation green space strategies wildlife projects airport environmental regulations discharge of collected waste analyse enforceability public health tree preservation and conservation coordinate airport environmental policies analyse environmental data carry out environmental audits conduct field work advise on mining environmental issues advise on waste management procedures

Source: Sisyphus ODB