Profession fleet commander

Fleet commanders ensure that naval vessels are ready for inclusion in operations, and are maintained in compliance with rules and regulations. They also supervise naval personnel and are responsible for the operations of the naval service.

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  • Navy operations

    The operational procedures and regulations of military naval organisations, on base and on ships during missions.

  • Military code

    The code language used in specific intelligence or military organisations and operations, how to use and decipher them.


  • Manage vessel fleet

    Manage a vessel fleet owned by a company; know the exact fleet capacity, maintenance requirements and official licenses required/held.

  • Ensure public safety and security

    Implement the relevant procedures, strategies and use the proper equipment to promote local or national security activities for the protection of data, people, institutions, and property.

  • Delegate activities

    Delegate activities and tasks to others according to the ability, level of preparation, competence and legal scope of practice. Make sure that people understand what they should do and when they should do it.

  • Ensure compliance with policies

    Ensure compliance with legislation and company procedures in respect of health and safety in the workplace and public areas. Ensure awareness and compliance with all company policies in relation to health and safety and equal opportunities in the workplace.

  • Defend human rights

    Protect human rights towards and between colleagues and also towards the civil populations one is in contact with.

  • Apply navy operation procedures

    Apply the procedures involved in naval operations on base or during missions on ships, ensuring that operations are compliant with naval regulations.

  • Devise military tactics

    Devise the strategic and tactical components of a military operation, taking into account the available equipment and assigning tasks to the different troops, and supervising the use of weapons and other battle equipment.

  • Supervise crew

    Supervise and observe the behaviour of employees.

  • Analyse ship operations

    Provide a snapshot of ship operations and the manner in which systems are operated and maintained. Provide information for action that could be taken to improve performance, or to correct weaknesses.

Optional knowledge and skills

train naval crew manage troop deployment ensure information security manage staff lead military troops assume responsibility for maintaining a safe ship environment maintain operational communications ensure vessel security coordinate the ship crew manage administrative systems manage budgets ship related legislative requirements inspect vessel military combat techniques military weaponry set organisational policies review ship documentation

Source: Sisyphus ODB