Profession lyricist

Lyricists interpret the style of a music piece and write words to accompany the melody. They work together with the music composer.

Lyricist Jobs: Open positions

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Personality Type


  • Copyright legislation

    Legislation describing the protection of the rights of original authors over their work, and how others can use it.

  • Musical genres

    Different musical styles and genres such as blues, jazz, reggae, rock, or indie.

  • Musical notation

    The systems used to visually represent music through the use of written symbols, including ancient or modern musical symbols.

  • Musical theory

    The body of interrelated concepts that constitutes the theoretical background of music.

  • Music literature

    Literature about music theory, specific music styles, periods, composers or musicians, or specific pieces. This includes a variety of materials such as magazines, journals, books and academic literature.


  • Match lyrics to mood of melody

    Match the lyrics to the melody and the emotions that are conveyed.

  • Create a rhyme scheme structure

    Create and develop a rhyme scheme for a song in order to write lyrics according to that scheme.

  • Write to a deadline

    Schedule and respect tight deadlines, especially for theatre, screen and radio projects.

  • Study music

    Study original pieces of music to get well acquainted with music theory and history.

  • Write songs

    Write the lyrics or melody for songs.

Optional knowledge and skills

transcribe musical compositions advise on music pedagogy transcribe ideas into musical notation sing work with composers record music film music techniques consult with sound editor compose music adapt to artists' creative demands create musical forms write musical scores attend music recording sessions

Source: Sisyphus ODB