Profession medium

Mediums claim to act as communicators between the natural world and the spiritual world.  They convey statements or images which they claim have been provided by spirits and that can have significant personal and often private meanings to their client.  

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  • Occultism

    The study of occult arts or practices, the belief in supernatural powers. These practices include alchemy, spiritualism, religion, magic and divination.

  • Rhetoric

    The art of discourse that aims at improving the ability of writers and speakers to inform, persuade or motivate their audience.

  • Spiritualism

    The belief or doctrine that the world is made up of two fundamental substances, matter and spirit, and that it is possible for the living to communicate with the spirits of the dead.


  • Maintain privacy of service users

    Respect and maintain the dignity and privacy of the client, protecting his or her confidential information and clearly explaining policies about confidentiality to the client and other parties involved.

  • Promote yourself

    Market one's own strengths in terms of skills and knowledge.

  • Use séance tools

    Utilise tools to communicate with spirits of the dead, such as Ouija boards, spirit tables or cabinets.

  • Use consulting techniques

    Advise clients in different personal or professional matters.

  • Listen actively

    Give attention to what other people say, patiently understand points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times; able to listen carefully the needs of customers, clients, passengers, service users or others, and provide solutions accordingly.

  • Develop professional network

    Reach out to and meet up with people in a professional context. Find common ground and use your contacts for mutual benefit. Keep track of the people in your personal professional network and stay up to date on their activities.

  • Maintain customer service

    Keep the highest possible customer service and make sure that the customer service is at all times performed in a professional way. Help customers or participants feel at ease and support special requirements.

  • Prospect new customers

    Initiate activities in order to attract new and interesting customers. Ask for recommendations and references, find places where potential customers can be located.

  • Counsel clients

    Assist and guide clients to overcome their personal, social, or psychological issues.

Optional knowledge and skills

perform improvisation entertain people manage a small-to-medium business administer appointments coach clients perform lectures psychology apply crisis intervention keep personal administration use different communication channels interview people perform live provide spiritual counselling

Source: Sisyphus ODB