Profession special educational needs coordinator

Special educational needs coordinators oversee programmes and activities that provide educational support to children with a variety of disabilities. They ensure they are up to date with the latest developments in the special needs research field with the objective of facilitating the special education processes needed to maximise the growth and learning potential of students with special learning needs, and advise the special education principal of these developments and new programme proposals.

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Personality Type


  • Project management

    Understand project management and the activities which comprise this area. Know the variables implied in project management such as time, resources, requirements, deadlines, and responding to unexpected events.

  • Learning difficulties

    The learning disorders some students face in an academic context, especially Specific Learning Difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, and concentration deficit disorders.

  • Curriculum objectives

    The goals identified in curricula and defined learning outcomes.

  • Curriculum standards

    The governmental policies concerning educational curricula and the approved curricula from specific educational institutions.

  • Learning needs analysis

    The process of analysing a student's learning needs through observation and testing, potentially followed by the diagnosis of a learning disorder and a plan for additional support.

  • Special needs education

    The teaching methods, equipment and settings used to support students with special needs in achieving succes in school or community.

  • Disability care

    The specific methods and practices used in providing care to people with physical, intellectual and learning disabilities.

  • Disability types

    The nature and types of disabilities affecting the human beings such as physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional or developmental and the specific needs and access requirements of disabled people.


  • Cooperate with education professionals

    Communicate with teachers or other professionals working in education in order to identify needs and areas of improvement in education systems, and to establish a collaborative relationship.

  • Organise projects to fill education needs

    Fill education gaps by organising projects and activities that help people to grow academically, socially or emotionally.

  • Present reports

    Display results, statistics and conclusions to an audience in a transparent and straightforward way.

  • Follow research on special needs education

    Keep up to date with new studies and related upcoming regulations concerning education for students with special needs.

  • Promote education programmes

    Promote ongoing research into education and the development of new education programmes and policies in order to obtain support and funds, and to raise awareness.

  • Provide education management support

    Support the management of an education institution by directly assisting in the managerial duties or by providing information and guidance from your area of expertise to simplify the managerial tasks.

  • Monitor educational developments

    Monitor the changes in educational policies, methodologies and research by reviewing relevant literature and liaising with education officials and institutions.

  • Guarantee students' safety

    Ensure all students falling under an instructor or other person’s supervision are safe and accounted for. Follow safety precautions in the learning situation.

  • Assist in the organisation of school events

    Provide assistance in the planning and organisation of school events, such as the school's open house day, a sports game or a talent show.

  • Evaluate education programmes

    Evaluate ongoing training programmes and advise on potential optimisation.

  • Manage government-funded programmes

    Implement and monitor the development of projects subsidized by regional, national or European authorities.

  • Identify education needs

    Identify the needs of students, organisations and companies in terms of provision of education in order to aid in the development of curricula and education policies.

Optional knowledge and skills

funding methods advise on lesson plans education law education administration assessment processes communication disorders escort students on a field trip coordinate educational programmes create a financial report behavioural disorders provide feedback to teachers manage student admissions development delays develop organisational policies manage resources for educational purposes government policy advise on teaching methods apply for government funding work with virtual learning environments provide specialised instruction for special needs students manage budgets

Source: Sisyphus ODB