Profession tourist animator

Tourist animators develop and organise entertainment activities for guests of a hospitality establishment. They set up and coordinate activities to entertain customers.

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  • Recreation activities

    The field and characteristics of recreational activities for customers.


  • Ensure cross-department cooperation

    Guarantee communication and cooperation with all the entities and teams in a given organisation, according to the company strategy.

  • Comply with food safety and hygiene

    Respect optimal food safety and hygiene during preparation, manufacturing, processing, storage, distribution and delivery of food products.

  • Develop entertainment programmes

    Create, schedule and guide engaging and challenging entertainment programmes.

  • Identify customer's needs

    Use appropriate questions and active listening in order to identify customer expectations, desires and requirements according to product and services.

  • Demonstrate intercultural competences in hospitality services

    Understand, respect and build constructive and positive relations with intercultural clients, guests and collaborators in the field of hospitality.

  • Assist clients with special needs

    Aid clients with special needs following relevant guidelines and special standards. Recognise their needs and accurately respond to them if needed.

  • Entertain guests interactively

    Amuse guests of a facility by involving them in amusement activities in order to make their stay more enjoyable and active.

  • Provide tourism related information

    Give customers relevant information about historical and cultural locations and events while conveying this information in an entertaining and informative manner.

  • Inform customers of activity changes

    Brief customers about changes, delays or cancellations of planned activities.

  • Manage health and safety standards

    Oversee all personnel and processes to comply with health, safety and hygiene standards. Communicate and support alignment of these requirements with the company's health and safety programmes.

  • Keep up to date on local events

    Follow the information about upcoming events, services or activities by checking information sheets and online communication.

  • Build business relationships

    Establish a positive, long-term relationship between organisations and interested third parties such as suppliers, distributors, shareholders and other stakeholders in order to inform them of the organisation and its objectives.

Optional knowledge and skills

evaluate events handle customer complaints greet guests implement sales strategies handle financial transactions maintain customer service implement marketing strategies distribute local information materials

Source: Sisyphus ODB