Profession aquaculture mooring manager

Aquaculture mooring managers carry out and supervise the mooring of cages in stable stations, drifting cages or even self-propelled and semi-submerged cages. They safely operate and moor a variety of different types of large-scale cages, manage conditions such as currents, wave climate and seabed profile, in open or semi-open water areas.

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Personality Type


  • Design principles of containment systems

    The design elements of different containment systems, such as cages, pens, nets, ponds and tanks.

  • Water currents

    Understand impact of water currents on fish farms, in cages, ponds, lagoons and rivers.

  • Aquaculture industry

    Understand the aquaculture industry, its designs and its installations.

  • Influence of winds and currents in the steering of ships

    Know what influence current, wind strength, and wind direction have on a vessel's navigation and manoeuvring abilities.


  • Ensure cage safety requirements are followed

    Ensure that personnel comply with cage safety requirements.

  • Write work-related reports

    Compose work-related reports that support effective relationship management and a high standard of documentation and record keeping. Write and present results and conclusions in a clear and intelligible way so they are comprehensible to a non-expert audience.

  • Advise on safety improvements

    Provide relevant recommendations following the conclusion of an investigation; ensure that recommendations are duly considered and where appropriate acted upon.

  • Communicate mooring plans

    Prepare crew briefings on mooring plans and division of labour. Provide the crew with information on protective gear such as helmets and safety goggles.

  • Maintain internal communication systems

    Maintain an effective internal communication system among employees and department managers.

  • Plan aquaculture cage mooring system

    Plan aquaculture cage mooring system for designated aquatic species.

  • Use communication devices

    Operate communication devices in order to interact with customers, colleagues, and others.

  • Lead a team

    Lead, supervise and motivate a group of people, in order to meet the expected results within a given timeline and with the foreseen resources in mind.

  • Set up aquaculture cage mooring system

    Set up aquaculture cage mooring system in accordance with plans.

  • Make improvements to work activities

    Make recommendations for improvements to work activities

  • Work as a team

    To recognize the importance of team work, building and maintaining effective working relationships with all colleagues and within the business.

  • Operate an emergency communication system

    Efficiently operate common communication systems used in emergencies, such as base station mobile transmitters and receivers, portable transmitters and receivers, repeaters, cellular phones, pagers, automated vehicle locators, and satellite phones as required.

  • Ensure aquaculture personnel health and safety

    Make sure that health and safety procedures have been established and followed across all aquaculture facilities including cages. Ensure that personnel and general public are instructed and all work activities are carried out according to relevant health and safety regulations.

  • Draw up risk assessment

    Assess risks, propose improvements and describe measures to be taken at the organisational level.

  • Participate in the organisation of emergency drills

    Participate in preparing and executing emergency drills. Take charge of on-scene response actions. Help ensure that written drill reports are logged properly. Make sure that all personnel adhere to pre-planned emergency procedures as carefully as possible in the event of an emergency situation.

  • Write technical reports

    Compose technical customer reports understandable for people without technical background.

  • Communicate in English in a competent way

    Competent use of English; R351refers to level C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

  • Make time-critical decisions

    Pursue optimal time-critical decision making within the organisation.

  • Plan the work of teams and individuals

    Plan the work of teams and individuals. Assess the work of teams and individuals. Provide feedback to teams and individuals on work carried out. Support and mentor individuals and teams. Prepare work instructions for new tasks.

Optional knowledge and skills

peform small vessel administrative duties operate small craft operate fish capture equipment conduct small vessel operation start-up procedures apply risk management processes perform small vessel navigation fish identification and classification perform small vessel safety measures fish biology manoeuvere and load small vessel work in inclement conditions speak different languages perform small vessel safety procedures identify risks of ship activities work in outdoor conditions fish welfare regulations prepare for small craft operation communicate in an outdoor setting

Source: Sisyphus ODB