Realistic personality type

By 123test team. Updated June 4, 2024

A realistic personality type enjoys using their hands and eyes to explore the world and accomplish things. This individual likes doing outdoor, mechanical and physical activities and occupations. They prefer working with things, such as objects, tools, machines, plants, and animals rather than with ideas, data, and people.

Realistic personality type is very physical

Realistic profession

These personality types are confident when using their body to relate to the physical world. Mechanical and athletic abilities are a strong suit and they are usually strong and well-coordinated. A realistic personality type likes solving concrete instead of abstract problems and solves problems by doing something physical.

Realistic personality type is independent and practical

Because of their ability with physical objects, they are often good in emergencies. A realistic personality type can deal well with the physical world, which often means they are very independent, practical minded, strong, aggressive and conservative. They may not have strong communication skills and tend to think in absolutes. Take a free personality test to learn more about your other occupational strengths.

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Occupations that fit a realistic personality type

A realistic personality type likes to work with animals, tools, or machines and generally avoids social activities like teaching, counseling, nursing, and informing others. Some of the occupational areas that fit this personality type are: 


Working outside, animals, operating machinery, working with your hands, traveling, working hard combined with creativity, creating things, designing.

Typical occupations


Working outside, animals, operating machinery, working with your hands, traveling, working hard combined with managing things, organizing, carefulness and reliability.

Typical occupations


Working outside, animals, operating machinery, working with your hands, traveling, working hard combined with enterprising, being influential.

Typical occupations


Working outside, animals, operating machinery, working with your hands, traveling, working hard combined with research, problem solving and specialization.

Typical occupations


Working outside, animals, operating machinery, working with your hands, traveling, working hard combined with helping and taking care of people and working in a team.

Typical occupations

Gain new insight about occupational strengths through a free personality test

Many people have traits from several personality types. The realistic personality type is one of six personality types in the Holland Codes developed by psychologist John L. Holland. Many recruiters and career counselors use this model to test personality. Find out more about your work preferences and personality type and take a free career test based on the Holland Codes now.