What do I want?

By 123test team. Updated June 4, 2024

"What do I want?" It is a question many people ask themselves, even though there generally is no clear answer. After all, everyone wants something different in life and interests and talents differ between individuals. It is also possible that a career does not turn out to be what you expected. Even a job that you carried out for a long time, might not seem so fitting anymore.

Study and career

The question “What do I want?” is a question you had better think about carefully. When you are certain of the career path you would like to follow in your professional life, you can start working on realizing your goals. Before choosing an education it might be important to know what it will bring you. After all your educational path will influence many choices concerning your future profession.

Career switch

When the career choice you made does not seem to be the right one, it may be time for a career switch. To avoid ending up in the same situation, it is wise to overthink your new choice carefully. The question of what you want is important again. What do you really want, why are you not satisfied with your current job, and what do you expect from your new profession?

Free career test

Want to know which careers best suit your personality? Take the free career test.

To the career test

What should you focus on?

How do you find the right answer to these questions? The most important step is to divide them into smaller parts. A profession consists of different factors, all of which are important for your job satisfaction. What are the working hours, for example? Would you like to work outside or in an office? Do you like to work in a team or do you prefer working alone? A career choice test can help you answer all these sub-questions. Your interests are also important. When you pick a profession based on your interests, you will enjoy your work a lot more. By taking an interests test you can gain a clear overview of your interests to subsequently find a profession that suits you.

When you know more about what you want, it is time for the next step: find that job!