Labor market orientation

By 123test team. Updated June 4, 2024

Before you start looking for a new job, it is smart to discover your options and chances on the labor market. This starts by exploring your own wishes. What are you interested in and what are your competences and skills? What are the work values and motivations that you find important in your job and which professions are appealing to you? Take a career choice test, or find out what you are good at with a competences test.

Employment possibilities

If you want to find out what profession suits you the most, you might want to do an extensive orientation on the labor market. Are there a lot of employment options for the job you want? What requirements do usually apply for employees? All these things are important to know before you apply for a job.

Educational advice and counselling

Labor market orientation can also be useful when you are not yet set to find a job. When choosing an education for instance. When choosing your education, it is important to know what position it prepares you for and what your chances are in this specific part of the labor market. Look at some job vacancies in the specific branch. For instance, if you find that the study of your choice is not very higly respected within this market, it may sensible to make a different choice. Within the process of orientation you can also take a career study choice test or call upon the help of a career counsellor.

Free career test

Want to know which careers best suit your personality? Take the free career test.

To the career test

Where are you now?

During the process of labor market orientation, you should ask yourself where you currently are in respect to the concerned labor market. How good are your chances for that one job, what are your strengths and what could you work on some more? You can make a personal SWOT analysis with a personality test to find out what your strengths and weaknesses are, as well as chances and threats.

When you have focused on the labor market, it is a good idea to look at the several career choice tests that are offered for free at this website.