Find that perfect job!

By 123test team. Updated September 9, 2024

There are many different reasons to search a new job. Everyone looking for one has the same goal: to find that one job that really suits him or her. This is no easy task. Even when there are many jobs available, which one is perfect for you? What is your absolute perfect job and how are you going to find it?

What is your perfect job?

The first step towards finding your perfect job is of course determining which job it should be. It is sensible to carefulle think this over to prevent you from focusing too much on a job not right for you. By taking an interests test first, you can find out what your specific personal career interests are. By means of a personality test you can find out more about your personality. Guided by these tests you can determine what your perfect job is. And of course, a career choice test is very useful in this process too.

Finding job vacancies

The next step is finding vacancies for the job you want to have. Of course you can use the internet for this, or printed media may serve you fine to find your ideal job vacancy. Also, you should not underestimate the force of your social network. If you let people know you are looking for a job, they might be able to direct you to an interesting vacancy. You could also send out open applications to companies you would like to work for.

Free career test

Want to know which careers best suit your personality? Take the free career test.

To the career test

Applying for a job

When you have found the job you want, it is time to apply for it. If your resume fits the job position and you spend enough time writing a good and convincing letter, you may be invited for a personal meeting. Consider using a resume review service, that is really worth the money and often even free. Make sure to use a resume builder for a quick start. Prepare for an interview very well and make sure you look well-groomed. Be pro-active in the conversation, but keep in mind you do not want to come across as too aggressive. Use the free career tests on this website to be prepared for questions such as "What are your personal strenghts, what are your talents".

Read on about labor market orientation.