Interests tests

By 123test team. Updated June 4, 2024

Your interests can tell you more on who you are and what suits you. They provide information necessary for making the right career choice. Obviously, your interests indicate what you like and what occupations interest you. If the profession you choose connects with these interests, you will find a lot more pleasure in your work.

Interests tests help you define your interests and determine what you like most. This could help you when making a career choice.

How do interest tests work

Most interests tests provide you with a list of two activities at a time. You then indicate which of these activities appeals to you the most. Based upon your choices, a result with your strongest interests is reported. Sometimes statements are given, for which you indicate whether they apply to you or not.

Abilities and personality

Your interests do not always match your abilities. You may love to paint even though you are not very good at it. Or it is your dream to write a book, but perhaps you are not a talented writer. The choice for a profession can not be made based on interest alone. Your abilities and personality are important in making a career choice. That's why you should also take an ability test and a personality test besides interest tests in the process of career choice. And obviously, a career choice test is also important and a great help.

Free career test

Want to know which careers best suit your personality? Take the free career test.

To the career test

Interest tests and choice of education

In the process of making a choice for a specific education, interest tests can come in handy as well. Studying, of course, is easier when you enjoy the subject. Furthermore, the educational path you choose largely determines the profession you will end up in. That's why it is sensible not to base your choice only on the result of an interests test. You should also try a educational interest tests for instance, just to be sure.

Read more on free career choice tests.