Profession aquaculture recirculation technician

Aquaculture recirculation technicians operate and control the production processes of aquatic organisms in land-based recirculation systems, which utilise water re-use processes and the operation of pumping, aerating, heating, lighting and biofilter equipment as well as backup power systems.

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Personality Type


  • Recirculation systems

    The characteristics and functioning of complex circulation, aeration and biofilter systems.

  • Fish biology

    The study of fish, shellfish or crustacean organisms, categorized into many specialised fields that cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behaviour, origins and distribution.

  • Assessment of risks and threats

    The security documentation and any security-related communications and information.

  • Fish welfare regulations

    The set of rules that apply in fish harvesting methods which ensure fish well-being.

  • Water reuse

    Principles of water re-use processes in complex circulation systems.

  • Animal welfare legislation

    The legal boundaries, codes of professional conduct, national and EU regulatory frameworks and legal procedures of working with animals and living organisms, ensuring their welfare and health.

  • Water chemistry analysis

    Principles of complex water chemistry.

  • Aquatic resources biosecurity

    The principles underlying the concept of biosecurity in relation to the cultivation of aquatic resources as cash crops.


  • Operate hatchery recirculation system

    Efficiently operate a hatchery recirculation system for specified aquatic organisms

  • Identify risks in aquaculture facilities

    Identify the hazards and evaluate the risks to health and safety in aquaculture facilities.

  • Perform water chemistry analysis

    Perform water chemistry analysis

  • Monitor growth rates of cultivated fish species

    Monitor and assess growth rates and biomass of cultivated fish species, taking mortalities into account. Calculate and forecast growth rates. Monitor and assess mortalities.

  • Interpret scientific data to assess water quality

    Analyse and interpret data like biological properties to know the quality of water.

  • Monitor fish mortality rates

    Monitor fish mortalities and assess possible causes.

  • Control fish diseases

    Identify the symptoms of fish diseases. Apply appropriate measures to treat or eliminate diagnosed conditions.

  • Preserve fish samples for diagnosis

    Collect and preserve larval, fish and mollusc samples or lesions for diagnosis by fish disease specialists.

  • Monitor water quality

    Measure water quality: temperature, oxygen, salinity, pH, N2, NO2,NH4, CO2, turbidity, chlorophyll. Monitor microbiological water quality.

  • Draw up risk assessment

    Assess risks, propose improvements and describe measures to be taken at the organisational level.

  • Use IT tools

    Application of computers, computer networks and other information technologies and equipment to storing, retrieving, transmitting and manipulating data, in the context of a business or enterprise.

  • Monitor feeding behaviour

    Monitor feeding behaviour of farm animals. Collect information on the growth of the animals, and forecast future growth. Monitor and assess biomass taking mortality into account.

  • Apply fish treatments

    Apply prescribed fish treatments under supervision, including assistance with vaccination immersion and injection procedures.

  • Ensure aquaculture personnel health and safety

    Make sure that health and safety procedures have been established and followed across all aquaculture facilities including cages. Ensure that personnel and general public are instructed and all work activities are carried out according to relevant health and safety regulations.

  • Work as a team

    To recognize the importance of team work, building and maintaining effective working relationships with all colleagues and within the business.

  • Monitor fish health status

    Monitor the health of fish, based on feeding and general behaviour. Interpret environmental parameters and analyse mortalities.

  • Maintain specified water characteristics

    Turn valves and place baffles in troughs to adjust the volume, depth, discharge, and temperature of water as specified.

  • Operate control systems

    Configure and operate electrical, electronic and control equipment.

  • Implement fin fish feeding regimes

    Implement daily fin fish feeding regimes to take account of environmental variations. Check feeding regimes are followed through the accurate implementation of feeding procedures. Implement adjustments to feeding regimes to take account of fluctuations in production performance and variations in environmental conditions. Control specialist feeding regimes to support specified production requirements. Investigate changes in feeding behaviour to determine cause and required corrective action.

  • Write work-related reports

    Compose work-related reports that support effective relationship management and a high standard of documentation and record keeping. Write and present results and conclusions in a clear and intelligible way so they are comprehensible to a non-expert audience.

  • Make time-critical decisions

    Pursue optimal time-critical decision making within the organisation.

  • Maintain recirculation systems

    Monitor and maintain water circulation within holding units. Monitor the condition of the water filtering and purification equipment.

  • Participate in the organisation of emergency drills

    Participate in preparing and executing emergency drills. Take charge of on-scene response actions. Help ensure that written drill reports are logged properly. Make sure that all personnel adhere to pre-planned emergency procedures as carefully as possible in the event of an emergency situation.

  • Carry out fish disease prevention measures

    Carry out disease prevention measures for fish, molluscs, and crustaceans for land-based and water-based aquaculture facilities.

  • Collect biological data

    Collect biological specimens, record and summarise biological data for use in technical studies, developing environmental management plans and biological products.

  • Measure water quality parameters

    Quality assure water by taking into consideration various elements, such as temperature.

Optional knowledge and skills

lead a team use communication devices plan team building communicate in english in a competent way create solutions to problems maintain internal communication systems develop work plans to solve problems plan the work of teams and individuals provide training conduct fish mortality studies observe abnormal fish behaviour communicate verbal instructions provide on-site training in aquaculture facilities screen live fish deformities

Source: Sisyphus ODB