Profession Artificial inseminator
Veterinary technicians and assistants carry out advisory, diagnostic, preventive and curative veterinary tasks, more limited in scope and complexity than those carried out by, and with the guidance of, veterinarians. They care for animals under treatment and in temporary residence at veterinary facilities, perform routine procedures and assist veterinarians to perform procedures and operations.
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Personality Type
Related professions livestock
- Agricultural advisor
- Arable farm manager, field crop or vegetable
- Arable farmer manager, mixed crop
- Cattle breeder
- Cattle station helper
- Dairy producer
- Herdsman
- Livestock breeder, all other
- Livestock dealer
- Livestock farm manager
- Livestock farm worker
- Livestock farmer
- Livestock machinery installer
- Livestock machinery mechanic
- Pig breeder
- Poultry producer
- Quality inspector cattle, meat, fish
- Stockman
- Subsistence livestock farmer
- Veterinarian inspector
- Veterinarian, all other
- Veterinary aid
- Veterinary practitioner
- Veterinary technician
- Veterinary vaccinator
Source: Sisyphus ODB