Profession call centre supervisor

Call centre supervisors oversee call centre employees, manage projects and understand technical aspects of the call centre activities.

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Personality Type


  • Characteristics of services

    The characteristics of a service that might include having acquired information about its application, function, features, use and support requirements.

  • Call quality assurance management

    Recording systems and monitoring procedures used in keeping track of call quality and methods for improvement.

  • Characteristics of products

    The tangible characteristics of a product such as its materials, properties and functions, as well as its different applications, features, use and support requirements.

  • Employment law

    The law which mediates the relationship between employees and employers. It concerns employees' rights at work which are binding by the work contract.

  • Call-centre technologies

    The wide range of telecommunications hardware and software such as automated phone systems and communication devices.

  • Call routing

    The technique of placing calls from one point to another in the fastest possible way to avoid tolls and congestion.


  • Train employees

    Lead and guide employees through a process in which they are taught the necessary skills for the perspective job. Organise activities aimed at introducing the work and systems or improving the performance of individuals and groups in organisational settings.

  • Create solutions to problems

    Solve problems which arise in planning, prioritising, organising, directing/facilitating action and evaluating performance. Use systematic processes of collecting, analysing, and synthesising information to evaluate current practice and generate new understandings about practice.

  • Analyse staff capacity

    Evaluate and identify staffing gaps in quantity, skills, performance revenue and surpluses.

  • Interpret automatic call distribution data

    Interpret information of call distribution system, a device that transmits incoming calls to specific groups of terminals.

  • Forecast workload

    Predict and define the workload that needs to be done in a certain amount of time and the time it would take to perform related tasks.

  • Have computer literacy

    Utilise computers, IT equipment and modern day technology in an efficient way.

  • Manage ICT project

    Plan, organize, control and document procedures and resources, such as human capital, equipment and mastery, in order to achieve specific goals and objectives related to ICT systems, services or products, within specific constraints, such as scope, time, quality and budget.

  • Perform project management

    Manage and plan various resources, such as human resources, budget, deadline, results, and quality necessary for a specific project, and monitor the project's progress in order to achieve a specific goal within a set time and budget.

  • Measure call quality

    Calculate the total quality of a call including the ability to reproduce a user's voice, and the system's ability to limit impairment during conversation.

  • Manage business knowledge

    Set up structures and distribution policies to enable or improve information exploitation using appropriate tools to extract, create and expand business mastery.

  • Present reports

    Display results, statistics and conclusions to an audience in a transparent and straightforward way.

  • Secure sensitive customer's information

    Select and apply security measures and regulations related to sensitive customer information with the aim of protecting their privacy.

  • Maintain high quality of calls

    Establish high quality standards and instructions for calls.

  • Perform data analysis

    Collect data and statistics to test and evaluate in order to generate assertions and pattern predictions, with the aim of discovering useful information in a decision-making process.

  • Supervise data entry

    Supervise the entry of information such as addresses or names in a data storage and retrieval system via manual keying, electronic data transfer or by scanning.

Optional knowledge and skills

tolerate stress apply information security policies provide customer follow-up services manage staff recruit employees teamwork principles abide by business ethical code of conducts build rapport with people from different cultural backgrounds adapt to changing situations analyse call performance trends speak different languages use customer relationship management software

Source: Sisyphus ODB