Profession central bank governor

Central bank governors set the monetary and regulatory policy, determine interest rates, maintain price stability, control the national money supply and issuance and foreign exchange currency rates and gold reserves. They oversee and control the banking industry.

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Personality Type


  • Accounting techniques

    The techniques of recording and summarising business and financial transactions and analysing, verifying, and reporting the results.

  • Financial markets

    The financial infrastructure which permits trading securities offered by companies and individuals govern by regulatory financial frameworks.

  • Economics

    Economic principles and practices, financial and commodity markets, banking and the analysis of financial data.

  • Financial jurisdiction

    Financial rules and procedures applicable to a certain location, whose regulatory bodies decide on its jurisdiction

  • Government policy

    The political activities, plans, and intentions of a government for a legislative session for concrete causes.

  • Government policy implementation

    The procedures related to the application of government policies at all levels of public administration.

  • Liquidity management

    The theory and practices around the management of liquidity in a company with the aim of facilitating meeting obligations with thirds parties without compromising the smooth functioning of the company nor incurring in substantial losses.


  • Monitor credit institutes

    Perform bank supervision and control the subsidiaries' activities, for example credit operations and cash reserve ratio.

  • Develop an organisational structure

    Create and develop the organisational structure of a group of people working together to realise the goals of the organisation.

  • Apply conflict management

    Take ownership of the handling of all complaints and disputes showing empathy and understanding to achieve resolution. To be fully aware of all Social Responsibility protocols and procedures, and to be able to deal with a problem gambling situation in a professional manner with maturity and empathy.

  • Monitor national economy

    Supervise the economy of a country and their financial institutions such as banks and other credit institutions.

  • Create a financial plan

    Develop a financial plan according to financial and client regulations, including an investor profile, financial advice, and negotiation and transaction plans.

  • Analyse economic trends

    Analyse developments in national or international trade, business relations, banking, and developments in public finance and how these factors interact with one another in a given economic context.

  • Analyse market financial trends

    Monitor and forecast the tendencies of a financial market to move in a particular direction over time.

  • Manage securities trading

    Administer and control the sale and purchase of tradable financial products such as equity and debt securities.

  • Forecast economic trends

    Gather and analyse economic data in order to predict economic trends and events.

  • Determine monetary policy actions

    Identify the actions concerning the financial policy of a country to maintain price stability and controlling the money supply such as changing the interest or inflation rate.

Optional knowledge and skills

monitor banking sector development legislation procedure constitutional law financial analysis perform public relations advise on economic development government representation monitor stock market foreign valuta resolve banking issues build business relationships perform currency reserve management conduct financial audits develop financial statistics reports advise on legislative acts manage staff manage government policy implementation provide cost benefit analysis reports commercial law securities international law statistics financial forecasting perform financial market business public finance international trade

Source: Sisyphus ODB