Profession chemical engineering technician

Chemical engineering technicians perform technical tasks to aid in chemical engineering research, and in the design, manufacture, construction, operation, maintenance and repair of chemical plant.

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Personality Type

Related professions engineering technician

  • Avionic communication systems technician
  • Civil engineering technician
  • Electrical engineering technician
  • Electronics engineering technician
  • Environmental protection advisor
  • Geological or mineral technician
  • Geological sample test technician
  • Mechanical engineering technician
  • Metallurgy technician
  • Meteorology or oceanography technician
  • Nuclear monitoring technician
  • Ship engineering technician


  • Chemistry

    The composition, structure, and properties of substances and the processes and transformations that they undergo; the uses of different chemicals and their interactions, production techniques, risk factors, and disposal methods.

  • Laboratory techniques

    Techniques applied in the different fields of natural science in order to obtain experimental data such as gravimetric analysis, gas chromatography, electronic or thermic methods.

  • Quality assurance methodologies

    Quality assurance principles, standard requirements, and the set of processes and activities used for measuring, controlling and ensuring the quality of products and processes.

  • Production processes

    Materials and techniques required in the production and distribution processes.

  • Risk management

    The process of identifying, assessing, and prioritising of all types of risks and where they could come from, such as natural causes, legal changes, or uncertainty in any given context, and the methods on dealing with risks effectively.

  • Engineering principles

    The engineering elements like functionality, replicability, and costs in relation to the design and how they are applied in the completion of engineering projects.

  • Engineering processes

    The systematic approach to the development and maintenance of engineering systems.


  • Perform laboratory tests

    Carry out tests in a laboratory to produce reliable and precise data to support scientific research and product testing.

  • Ensure compliance with environmental legislation

    Monitor activities and perform tasks ensuring compliance with standards involving environmental protection and sustainability, and amend activities in the case of changes in environmental legislation. Ensure that the processes are compliant with environment regulations and best practices.

  • Test chemical samples

    Perform the testing procedures on the already prepared chemical samples, by using the necessary equipment and materials. Chemical sample testing involves operations such as pipetting or diluting schemes.

  • Determine production feasibility

    Determine if a product or its components can be produced by applying engineering principles.

  • Perform product testing

    Test processed workpieces or products for basic faults.

  • Run laboratory simulations

    Run simulations on prototypes, systems or newly developed chemical products using laboratory equipment.

  • Collaborate with engineers

    Work closely and communicate with engineers on designs or new products.

  • Work safely with chemicals

    Take the necessary precautions for storing, using and disposing chemical products.

  • Calibrate laboratory equipment

    Calibrate laboratory equipment by comparing between measurements: one of known magnitude or correctness, made with a trusted device and a second measurement from another piece of laboratory equipment. Make the measurements in as similar a way as possible.

  • Analyse experimental laboratory data

    Analyse experimental data and interpret results to write reports and summaries of findings

  • Execute analytical mathematical calculations

    Apply mathematical methods and make use of calculation technologies in order to perform analyses and devise solutions to specific problems.

  • Use ICT systems

    Select and use ICT systems for a variety of complex tasks in order to meet a variety of needs.

  • Prepare chemical samples

    Prepare the specific samples such as gas, liquid or solid samples in order for them to be ready for analysis, labeling and storing samples according to specifications.

  • Apply safety procedures in laboratory

    Make sure that laboratory equipment is used in a safe manner and the handling of samples and specimens is correct. Work to ensure the validity of results obtained in research.

  • Translate formulae into processes

    Translate, by means of computer models and simulations, the specific laboratory formulae and findings into production processes.

Optional knowledge and skills

write batch record documentation hazardous waste types communicate with external laboratories dispose of hazardous waste identify hazards in the workplace nuclear reprocessing recognise signs of corrosion maintain chromotography machinery schedule production set production facilities standards nuclear energy inorganic chemistry hazardous waste storage maintain nuclear reactors energy efficiency archive scientific documentation analyse production processes for improvement keep records of work progress recommend product improvements use chromatography software control production maintain laboratory equipment radiation protection analytical chemistry supervise laboratory operations manage health and safety standards corrosion types

Source: Sisyphus ODB