Profession chief executive officer

Chief executive officers hold the highest ranking in a pyramidal corporate structure. They are able to hold a complete idea of the functioning of the business, its departments, risks, and stakeholders. They analyse different kinds of information and create links among them for decision-making purposes. They serve as a  communication link with the board of directors for reporting and implementation of the overall strategy.

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Personality Type


  • Financial management

    The field of finance that concerns the practical process analysis and tools for designating financial resources. It encompasses the structure of businesses, the investment sources, and the value increase of corporations due to managerial decision-making.

  • Company policies

    The set of rules that govern the activity of a company.

  • Business process modelling

    The tools, methods and notations such as Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) and Business Process Execution Language (BPEL), used to describe and analyse the characteristics of a business process and model its further development.

  • Marketing management

    The academic discipline and function in an organisation which focuses on the market research, market development, and the creation of marketing campaigns to raise awareness on the company's services and products.

  • Financial statements

    The set of financial records disclosing the financial position of a company at the end of a set period or of the accounting year. The financial statements consisting of five parts which are the statement of financial position, the statement of comprehensive income, the statement of changes in equity (SOCE), the statement of cash flows and notes.


  • Make strategic business decisions

    Analyse business information and consult directors for decision making purposes in a varied array of aspects affecting the prospect, productivity and sustainable operation of a company. Consider the options and alternatives to a challenge and make sound rational decisions based on analysis and experience.

  • Conclude business agreements

    Negotiate, revise, and sign mercantile and business documents such as contracts, business agreements, deeds, purchases and wills, and bills of exchange.

  • Plan medium to long term objectives

    Schedule long term objectives and immediate to short term objectives through effective medium-term planning and reconciliation processes.

  • Develop revenue generation strategies

    Elaborate methodologies through which a company markets and sells a product or service to generate income.

  • Define organisational standards

    Write, implement and foster the internal standards of the company as part of the business plans for the operations and levels of performance that the company intends to achieve.

  • Show an exemplary leading role in an organisation

    Perform, act, and behave in a manner that inspires collaborators to follow the example given by their managers.

  • Integrate strategic foundation in daily performance

    Reflect on the strategic foundation of companies, meaning their mission, vision, and values in order to integrate this foundation in the performance of the job position.

  • Liaise with shareholders

    Communicate and serve as communication point with shareholders in order to provide an overview on their investments, returns, and long-term plans of the company to increase profitability.

  • Strive for company growth

    Develop strategies and plans aiming at achieving a sustained company growth, be the company self-owned or somebody else's. Strive with actions to increase revenues and positive cash flows.

  • Analyse financial performance of a company

    Based on accounts, records, financial statements and external information of the market, analyse the performance of the company in financial matters in order to identify improvement actions that could increase profit.

  • Delegate activities

    Delegate activities and tasks to others according to the ability, level of preparation, competence and legal scope of practice. Make sure that people understand what they should do and when they should do it.

  • Shape organisational teams based on competencies

    Study the profiles of collaborators and decide the best place for directors and collaborators following an strategic mindset and serving to the goals of the company.

  • Analyse business objectives

    Study data according to business strategies and objectives and make both short-term and long-term strategic plans.

  • Develop organisational policies

    Develop and supervise the implementation of policies aimed at documenting and detailing the procedures for the operations of the organisation in the lights of its strategic planning.

  • Develop business plans

    Plan, write and collaborate in the implement business plans. Include and foresee in the business plan the market strategy, the competitive analysis of the company, the design and the development of the plan, the operations and the management aspects and the financial forecast of the business plan.

  • Lead managers of company departments

    Collaborate and guide the managers of the departments of a company in terms of the objectives of the company, the actions, and expectations required from their managerial scope.

  • Shape corporate culture

    Observe and define the elements in the corporate culture of a company in order to reinforce, integrate and shape further the codes, values, beliefs and behaviours aligned with the company's aims.

  • Develop company strategies

    Envision, plan, and develop strategies for companies and organisations aimed at achieving different purposes such as establishing new markets, refurbishing the equipment and machinery of a company, implementing pricing strategies, etc.

  • Interpret financial statements

    Read, understand, and interpret the key lines and indicators in financial statements. Extract the most important information from financial statements depending on the needs and integrate this information in the development of the department's plans.

  • Establish collaborative relations

    Establish a connection between organisations or individuals which may benefit from communicating with one another in order to facilitate an enduring positive collaborative relationship between both parties.

  • Integrate shareholders' interests in business plans

    Listen to the perspectives, interests, and vision of the owners of the company in order to translate those guidelines into pragmatic business actions and plans.

  • Imprint visionary aspirations into the business management

    Integrate ambition and visionary plans in both the planning and the day-to-day operations in order to set goals for the company to strive for.

  • Track key performance indicators

    Identify the quantifiable measures that a company or industry uses to gauge or compare performance in terms of meeting their operational and strategic goals, using preset performance indicators.

  • Assume responsibility for the management of a business

    Adopt and assume the responsibility that entails running a business, prioritising the interest of its owners, the societal expectation, and the welfare of employees.

  • Negotiate with stakeholders

    Negotiate compromises with stakeholders and strive to reach the most beneficial agreements for the company. May involve building relationships with suppliers and customers, as well as ensuring products are profitable.

Optional knowledge and skills

manage publicly traded companies apply import strategies apply export strategies airport operating environment get involved in the day-to-day operation of the company apply airport standards and regulations follow the statutory obligations evaluate performance of organisational collaborators describe the financial situation of a region disseminate general corporate information airport environmental regulations provide assistance to a variety of airport users implement strategic planning international trade keep updated on the political landscape prepare airport emergency plans implement improvement procedures in airport operations evaluate budgets implement airport emergency plans define the corporate structure motivate employees identify airport safety hazards ensure lawful business operations impart business plans to collaborators show intercultural awareness build international relations interact with the board of directors mergers and acquisitions airport planning develop professional network speak different languages abide by business ethical code of conducts subsidiary operations implement operational business plans business law joint ventures

Source: Sisyphus ODB