Profession civil registrar

Civil registrars collect and record acts of birth, marriage, civil partnership and death.

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Personality Type


  • Officiate civil partnerships

    Interview couples in order to find out if they are legally able to form a civil partnership and complete the formal notices of intention.

  • Register birth

    Question parents and enter the obtained information on the birth certificate.

  • Act discreetly

    Be discreet and don't draw attention.

  • Check official documents

    Check an individuals' official documentation, such as driver's licenses and identification, to ensure compliance with legal regulations, and to identify and assess individuals.

  • Observe documents

    Pay attention to documents in order to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the included information.

  • Officiate weddings

    Officiate weddings in a manner compliant to traditional and legal regulations, and to the couple's wishes, ensuring that it is official by providing the necessary documentation and witnessing its signing, fulfilling the role of officiator.

  • Register death

    Check if the description why the person died is in order. Question someone who was close to the person who died such as a family member in order to enter the obtained information on the death certificate.

Optional knowledge and skills

show empathy perform services in a flexible manner civil law use communication techniques exercise patience tolerate stress listen actively office software drive vehicles adapt to changing situations

Source: Sisyphus ODB