Profession construction commercial diver

Commercial divers work below the surface of the water to install equipment, such as hydraulic structures, waterways and marine facilities. They also inspect, remove and repair the structures.

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Personality Type

Related professions dredging, piling, grinding

  • Diver, underwater worker
  • Dredging machine operator
  • Pile-driver operator
  • Pumping machine operator
  • River or canal maintenance worker
  • Salvage diver
  • Water dam or dike construction helper
  • Water dam or dike construction worker


  • Diving operation requirements

    The operational plan and the contingency plan for the diving operation, the diving equipment to be used in the diving operation, the diving signals to be used in the diving operation, the in-water decompression procedures to be used in the diving operation, and any emergency procedures that might have to be used in the diving operation.

  • Diving equipment

    Equipment used for a dive, including wetsuits and drysuits, helmets, scuba equipment and any umbilical equipment which provides the connection with the surface.


  • Work ergonomically

    Apply ergonomy principles in the organisation of the workplace while manually handling equipment and materials.

  • Cope with decompression

    Ascend from a dive in stages or slowly according to a decompression plan in order to give the body time to adapt to the lowered pressure. Prevent the buildup of dissolved gases in living tissue, as well as other symptoms linked to rapid ascent, collectively known as decompression sickness or "the bends".

  • Maintain diving equipment

    Perform maintenance actions, including small repairs, on diving equipment.

  • Inspect construction supplies

    Check construction supplies for damage, moisture, loss or other problems before using the material.

  • Keep records of work progress

    Maintain records of the progress of the work including time, defects, malfunctions, etc.

  • Comply with legal requirements for diving operations

    Ensure that diving operations comply with legal requirements.

  • Interrupt diving operations when necessary

    Terminate or interrupt the diving operation if continuing the operation is likely to endanger the health or safety of any person involved.

  • Use rigging equipment

    Set up rolling and lifting equipment required to lift and move objects e.g. with a crane or block and tackle system.

  • Follow health and safety procedures in construction

    Apply the relevant health and safety procedures in construction in order to prevent accidents, pollution and other risks.

  • Weld in hyperbaric conditions

    Use arc welding techniques to make welds in conditions of very high pressure, usually in an underwater dry chamber such as a diving bell. Compensate for the negative consequences of high pressure on a weld, such as the shorter and less steady welding arc.

  • Weld underwater

    Use underwater arc welding equipment to make welds beneath the water surface. Protect yourself from electric shocks by shielding the weld from the water.

  • Implement dive plans

    Implement dive plans, working with the client, vessel teams and marine superintendents.

  • Use safety equipment in construction

    Use elements of protective clothing such as steel-tipped shoes, and gear such as protective goggles, in order to minimise risk of accidents in construction and to mitigate any injury if an accident does occur.

  • Check diving equipment

    Check diving equipment for valid certification to ensure its suitability. Ensure that any diving equipment is examined by a competent person before use, at least once on each day on which it is to be used. Ensure that it is adequately tested and repaired.

  • Comply with the planned time for the depth of the dive

    Ensure that a diver returns from a given depth after the planned time limit has expired.

  • Use lift bags

    Use bags filled with air to help carry objects underwater, or send them to the surface. Choose the right capacity lift bag for the object to be carried and attach it securely to the object. If multiple bags are used, make sure the lifting capacity is distributed evenly.

Optional knowledge and skills

display warnings around dive site cut metal products inspect offshore constructions work in a construction team perform underwater bridge inspection insert charges into drill holes dive with scuba equipment pour concrete underwater operate hand drill critique the dive with the dive team ensure diving operations conform with plan manage explosives in accordance with legislation process incoming construction supplies operate drilling equipment dispose of sewage sludge ensure health and safety of dive teams diving vessels systems repair pipelines examine prospective blast area install metal gas piping inspect concrete structures keep personal administration work in underwater chamber recognise signs of corrosion inspect pipelines use wrenches

Source: Sisyphus ODB