Profession costume buyer

Costume buyers work with the costume designer in order to identify the materials for the costumes. They buy and rent fabric, thread, accessories and other items needed to finish the wardrobe. Costume buyers may also purchase clothing items "off the peg", ready made. They base their purchases on the sketches of the costume designer.

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Personality Type


  • Aesthetics

    Set of principles based on which something is appealing and beautiful.

  • Film production process

    The various development stages of making a film, such as scriptwriting, financing, shooting, editing, and distribution.


  • Maintain relationship with suppliers

    Build a lasting and meaningful relationship with suppliers and service providers in order to establish a positive, profitable and enduring collaboration, co-operation and contract negotiation.

  • Mark differences in colours

    Identify differences between colours, such as shades of colour.

  • Analyse costume sketches

    Determine which materials to buy to make or finish costumes by studying the costume sketches. Familiarise yourself with the colour scheme and style.

  • Identify suppliers

    Determine potential suppliers for further negotiation. Take into consideration aspects such as product quality, sustainability, local sourcing, seasonality and coverage of the area. Evaluate the likelihood of obtaining beneficial contracts and agreements with them.

  • Manage budgets

    Plan, monitor and report on the budget.

Optional knowledge and skills

conduct costume research film studies carry out internet research manage rented goods returns maintain inventory of rented items check deliveries on receipt define costume materials manage logistics organise costume fittings synthesise clothing with accessories maintain costumes ensure continuity in the styling of artists lighting techniques fabric types photography document costume stock dressmaking select costumes coordinate purchasing activities

Source: Sisyphus ODB