Profession defence administration officer

Defence administration officers perform managerial duties and administrative tasks in defense institutions, such as maintenance of records, management of staff, and handling of accounts.

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Personality Type


  • Personnel management

    The methodologies and procedures involved in the hiring and development of employees in order to ensure value for the organisation, as well as personnel needs, benefits, conflict resolution and ensuring a positive corporate climate.

  • Accounting techniques

    The techniques of recording and summarising business and financial transactions and analysing, verifying, and reporting the results.

  • Military logistics

    The operations of the supply and demand of goods and recources on military bases and during military operations on the field, the disruption of enemy supplies, cost analysis, equipment demands, and other military logistics activities.

  • Document management

    The methodology of tracking, managing and storing documents in a systematic and organised manner as well as keeping a record of the versions created and modified by specific users (history tracking).

  • Military code

    The code language used in specific intelligence or military organisations and operations, how to use and decipher them.

  • Budgetary principles

    Principles of estimating and planning of forecasts for business activity, compile regular budget and reports.


  • Manage accounts

    Manage the accounts and financial activities of an organisation, supervising that all the documents are correctly maintained, that all the information and calculations are correct, and that proper decisions are being made.

  • Manage administrative systems

    Ensure administrative systems, processes and databases are efficient and well managed and give the sound basis to work together with the administrative officer/staff/professional.

  • Manage staff

    Manage employees and subordinates, working in a team or individually, to maximise their performance and contribution. Schedule their work and activities, give instructions, motivate and direct the workers to meet the company objectives. Monitor and measure how an employee undertakes their responsibilities and how well these activities are executed. Identify areas for improvement and make suggestions to achieve this. Lead a group of people to help them achieve goals and maintain an effective working relationship among staff.

  • Ensure compliance with policies

    Ensure compliance with legislation and company procedures in respect of health and safety in the workplace and public areas. Ensure awareness and compliance with all company policies in relation to health and safety and equal opportunities in the workplace.

  • Recruit employees

    Hire new employees by scoping the job role, advertising, performing interviews and selecting staff in line with company policy and legislation.

  • Keep task records

    Organise and classify records of prepared reports and correspondence related to the performed work and progress records of tasks.

Optional knowledge and skills

analyse logistic needs order supplies fix meetings use a computer manage budgets supervise the maintenance of military equipment ensure equipment availability manage military logistics ensure information security assist in military logistics hire new personnel coordinate events monitor military equipment use respond to enquiries

Source: Sisyphus ODB