Profession environmental technician

Environmental technicians investigate sources of pollution and aid in the development of pollution prevention and environment protection plans. They take samples of soil, water or other materials and perform tests to analyse the pollution level and identify its source.

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Personality Type


  • Laboratory techniques

    Techniques applied in the different fields of natural science in order to obtain experimental data such as gravimetric analysis, gas chromatography, electronic or thermic methods.

  • Environmental legislation

    The environmental policies and legislation applicable in a certain domain.

  • Chemistry

    The composition, structure, and properties of substances and the processes and transformations that they undergo; the uses of different chemicals and their interactions, production techniques, risk factors, and disposal methods.

  • Metrology

    The methods and theory of measurement in a scientific context, including internationally accepted units of measurement, practical realisation of these units, and interpretation of measurements.


  • Test samples for pollutants

    Measure concentrations of pollutants within samples. Calculate air pollution or gas flow in industrial processes. Identify potential safety or health risks such as radiation.

  • Report on environmental issues

    Compile environmental reports and communicate on issues. Inform the public or any interested parties in a given context on relevant recent developments in the environment, forecasts on the future of the environment, and any problems and possible solutions.

  • Advise on soil and water protection

    Advise on the effects of soil and water management practices in controlling pollutant loss, nitrate leaching and reduce soil erosion.

  • Assess environmental impact

    Monitor environmental impacts and carry out assessments in order to identify and to reduce the organisation's environmental risks while taking costs into account.

  • Perform laboratory tests

    Carry out tests in a laboratory to produce reliable and precise data to support scientific research and product testing.

  • Document analysis results

    Document on paper or on electronic devices the process and the results of the samples analysis performed.

  • Analyse experimental laboratory data

    Analyse experimental data and interpret results to write reports and summaries of findings

  • Advise on environmental remediation

    Advise on the development and implementation of actions which aim to remove sources of pollution and contamination from the environment.

  • Collect samples for analysis

    Collect samples of materials or products for laboratory analysis.

  • Analyse environmental data

    Analyse data that interpret correlations between human activities and environmental effects.

  • Advise on environmental risk management systems

    Evaluate requirements and advise on systems for environmental risk management. Ensure the customer does his part in preventing or limiting adverse environmental impact through the use of technology. Ensure required licenses and permits are obtained.

  • Conduct environmental site assessments

    Manage and oversee environmental site prospection and assessments for mining or industrial sites. Designate and demarcate areas for geochemical analysis and scientific research.

Optional knowledge and skills

monitor legislation developments biological chemistry contamination exposure regulations pollution prevention develop scientific research protocols develop environmental remediation strategies perform environmental remediation radioactive contamination remove contaminated materials ensure compliance with environmental legislation report pollution incidents communicate with external laboratories wear appropriate protective gear implement environmental action plans secure working area pollution legislation promote environmental awareness investigate contamination avoid contamination advise on pollution prevention apply statistical analysis techniques microbiology-bacteriology investigate pollution assess contamination

Source: Sisyphus ODB