Profession field survey manager

Field survey managers organise and supervise investigations and surveys on the request of a sponsor. They monitor their implementation according to production requirements and lead a team of field investigators.

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Personality Type


  • Survey techniques

    Techniques on how to identify a target audience, choose the right survey method and analyse the data.

  • Interview techniques

    The techniques for getting information out of people by asking the right questions in the right way and to make them feel comfortable.


  • Perform resource planning

    Estimate the expected input in terms of time, human and financial resources necessary to achieve the project objectives.

  • Evaluate interview reports

    Assess the quality and plausibility of the interview results on the basis of the documentation while taking various factors into account such as the weighting scale.

  • Record survey measurements

    Gather and process descriptive data by using documents such as sketches, drawings and notes.

  • Present reports

    Display results, statistics and conclusions to an audience in a transparent and straightforward way.

  • Prepare survey report

    Gather the analysed data from the survey and write a detailed report on the outcome of the survey.

  • Observe confidentiality

    Observe the set of rules establishing the nondisclosure of information except to another authorised person.

  • Forecast workload

    Predict and define the workload that needs to be done in a certain amount of time and the time it would take to perform related tasks.

  • Recruit employees

    Hire new employees by scoping the job role, advertising, performing interviews and selecting staff in line with company policy and legislation.

  • Supervise staff

    Oversee the selection, training, performance and motivation of staff.

  • Interview people

    Interview people in a range of different circumstances.

  • Write work-related reports

    Compose work-related reports that support effective relationship management and a high standard of documentation and record keeping. Write and present results and conclusions in a clear and intelligible way so they are comprehensible to a non-expert audience.

  • Monitor field surveys

    Monitor the progress and determine corrective actions such as adjusting the distribution of investigators according to the progress of the investigation. Transmit field survey data to the accounting or billing department.

  • Train field investigators

    Recruit field investigators and present them the objectives, context and geographical area of the survey by the use of distribution folders and media inquiries. Organise the delivery of investigators at the site of investigation.

Optional knowledge and skills

design questionnaires interview focus groups collect data using gps tabulate survey results communicate with stakeholders use microsoft office conduct public surveys adhere to questionnaires conduct research interview information confidentiality revise questionnaires capture people's attention document interviews communication explain interview purposes perform data analysis visual presentation techniques

Source: Sisyphus ODB