Profession forester

Foresters are responsible for monitoring the natural and economic viability of a woodland or forest and for activities related to its management and conservation.

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Personality Type


  • Plant disease control

    Types and features of diseases in plants and crops. Different kinds control methods, activities using conventional or biological methods taking into account the type of plant or crop, environmental and climate conditions and health and safety regulations. Storage and handling of products.

  • Animal welfare legislation

    The legal boundaries, codes of professional conduct, national and EU regulatory frameworks and legal procedures of working with animals and living organisms, ensuring their welfare and health.

  • Environmental legislation

    The environmental policies and legislation applicable in a certain domain.

  • Agronomy

    The study of combining agriculture production and protection and regeneration of natural environment. Includes the principles and methods of critical selection and adequate application methods for sustainability in agriculture.

  • Forestry regulations

    The legal rules applicable to forestry: agricultural law, rural law, and laws on hunting and fishing.

  • Environmental policy

    Local, national and international policies dealing with the promotion of environmental sustainability and the development of projects which reduce negative environmental impact and improve the state of the environment.

  • Health and safety regulations

    Necessary health, safety, hygiene and environmental standards and legislation rules in the sector of particular activity.

  • Pest control in plants

    Types and features of pests in plants and crops. Different kinds of pest control methods, activities using conventional or biological methods taking into account the type of plant or crop, environmental and climate conditions and health and safety regulations. Storage and handling of products.


  • Write technical reports related to trees

    Compose written adequate reports about tree-realted issues for parties such as engineers, solicitors, or mortgage and insurance companies, for example if tree roots are causing problems to the integrity of buildings and infrastructure.

  • Promote environmental awareness

    Calculate the carbon footprint of business processes and other practices in order to promote sustainability and to raise awareness for the environmental impact.

  • Monitor forest productivity

    Monitor and improve forest productivity by organising growing, timber harvesting, and health measures.

  • Organise tree plantations

    Organise the tree plantations. Grow crops in an efficient way.

  • Conserve forests

    Strive to conserve and restore forest structures, biodiversity and ecological functions.

  • Organise labour

    Organise, allocate and coordinate members of the team. Organise production programmes and plan the production and sales. Purchase materials and equipment. Manage stocks.

  • Monitor forest health

    Monitor forest health to make sure all necessary actions are taken by the forestry workers team.

  • Supervise forestry workers

    Supervise and coordinate the staff that works in the forestry areas.

  • Manage forests

    Develop forestry management plans by applying business methods and forestry principles in order to efficiently manage forest resources.

Optional knowledge and skills

advise on timber harvest coordinate timber sales animal hunting report pollution incidents manage production enterprise manage time in forestry develop natural areas works programmes forecast timber production use a computer coordinate forestry research manage staff business management principles interact with clients in forestry geographic information systems operate gps systems perform project management communicate with customers organise harvests manage budgets use communication techniques estimate damage harvest timber work independently in forestry services apply forest legislation

Source: Sisyphus ODB